HOW?! I swear on my life this wasnt made in Spiral Spy!

I'd count my crowns if I were you Veggie.

Aye that be a ghost of a gremlin.You see,along time ago,there was the gremlin race as a whole.Ruled by King Tinkinzar and the Crimson Order,they lived a rough life.After we arrived,the gremlins werent too keen on our presence on Cradle.King Tinkinzar started planning to wipe out us knights to drive us off of Cradle.
Unfortunately,there was a division between the gremlins.Some were on Tinkinzar's side and wanted to keep the knights off of Cradle.Others were friendly and wanted to come to us and get help to bring the downfall of King Tinkinzar and the Crimson Order because the King and the Order were putting up some strict laws and making life hard for the gremlins.The group that wanted to escape from the Order began to plan Project Emberlight.In this project,the group of conspirators were planning to flee from the gremlin residence and establish a refugee camp where gremlins who wanted to flee from the Order could go and be safe where they would later make a second trip to try to ask the knights for help.
Much time passed before the moment of truth came.Unfortunately,the Order and Tinkinzar had heard rumors and had suspicions of the Project.The conspirators packed up and ran.They finally reached a suitable spot and established a base camp.The town of Emberlight was created.The refugee gremlins made an easy living now that they were not forced to follow Tinkinzars rules and laws.They even established a small military of their own.But they didnt know that the Order knew of Emberlight and had sent a troop of gremlin soldiers to attack the refugee town.
The troop had finally reached Emberlight.They attacked, and the refugee army held ntheir ground.War between the town and the gremlin army ensued.After 3 months of brutal fighting and heavy casualties on the refugee side and moderate casualties on the army side,the gremlin army had no choice but to retreat.News of the defeat reached the Crimson Order and King Tinkinzar.The Order decided to leave the town be and focus all the attention on the knights,whos Alpha Squad had already reached the Core and was on the verge of penetrating it.
The refugee town of Emberlight's population had been severely reduced.The bodies were buried underneath the heart of the town.The town had been ravaged by the war so the refugees set about to rebuilding it.In fact,the town of Emberlight is still being restored to this day.So,the strange occurence that you have experienced,is nothing more than a ghost of one of the Gremlin refugee soldiers.They dont appear often,but are very friendly when they do,so count yourself lucky.
-Magnicth the Dragon Mage

Just a potato. Move along. A very nice potato at that... nice find!

*Is Casually walking and accidentally bumps this thread*

All of you are totally wrong. That is most obviously a Taco.
Idiots. -_-

Title talks about not using spiral spy but what about photoshop.

You figured it Out yay.

if tou have ever done operation crimson hammer you will free a gremlin that says "seerus is crazy! i should flee to emberlight." (or somethink like that) what im sayin that could be him.
The first one is a gremlin who always walks there. He wont harm you. Since you are in emberlite =.=
The second one is when your disconnected which explains those black spots a little to he bottom right which indicates the wheels went off the screen.
Nice finds tho :S
I'm not seeing what you're freaking out about. If its the gremlin, that guy has been always wandering around there. He's friendly, don't worry.