The new update for the trade chat is causing people to miss a reply or probably focus on an offer at a time~ >< My eyes r going blind @.@~
Trade Chat Sales Spammed too fast~!
Make liberal use of the /ignore player name feature. I think it's completely *&%#ING stupid they merged it all into one.
There needs to be separate channels for buyers and sellers.
There needs to be separate channels for buyers and sellers.
As a merchant I constantly look at WTB and WTS so I want them in the same place, however this latest update, and I could smack whoever did it, ruined the trade chat and MADE IT WORSE.
I didn't even think this was possible, yet they did it.
I liked having to go to new havens for new customers, it's like moving to new areas and it was quieter. You didn't have to compete with EVERYONE at once and you also didn't need to include what Haven you were in. Ugh RIDICULOUS ALL OF IT.
*pulls at hair in frustration*

i havent played since they made this change but oh god i can imagine how horrendous it is. :/
i havent played since they made this change but oh god i can imagine how horrendous it is. :/
OH it's BAD trust me.
You have everyone who wants sell or buy across all the channels/instances all going at once.
I have a suggestion thread up about it however I'm being told that it's not that bad and to piss off.
It's annoying, it needs fixed, and it needs fixed NOW.
Sales Going Down. . . Still able to make a few sales b4 the update, now not even a single 1. . . Don't wanna bother posting a WTS or WTB either *sigh*
Yah, I stood around for about 2-3 hours and didn't make past 8k
This is ridiculous

There needs to be a more strict filter on how fast people can send messages over the trade channel. I understand that we can ignore but some form of throttling would be nice. Other than that, I don't really mind the channel. I used to make most of my sales through WTBs and I still do, it is just more inconvenient for the buyer since they have to haven hop to get to me. As for posting WTS, my strategy is to broadcast the WTS then leave the channel so I can see what whispers are coming in and respond to them accordingly.
As a seller it isn't perfect but it beats loading haven 12 times to sell something.
You wouldn't have to load haven 12 times if they wouldn't of merged them. Before they weren't merged and you could only see people talking in the channel you were in.
This is how MOST TRADE channels are I have no idea why they merged them.
This problem will be gone when we have an Auction House/market of some sort.. if we're going to have one.
You mean something like this?
That ridiculous thing is NOT an Auction House, it is clunky, hard to use, and pretty much a waste of my time. It doesn't even handle selling items for us. There is no way to contact the seller/buyer and it's ugly.
I want a damn Auction House and I want it now.
The only thing that THAT is, is a thing to gauge the prices.

I really hope this is just temporary until the implementation of an auction house. While I understand why the made the /2 channel span across all instances, it also makes it near impossible to read anything as their is such a high amount of chatter going on. The only hope here is an auction house, which is going to heavily affect the buying and selling market.
i think they shoouldnt did this..or maybe its more ok if they set up like the CE market but instead of CE,u post the item and price of buying or selling

GodofSkype I really don't mean to nitpick but do you really need to be so negative about every suggestion that isn't your suggestion. The clock work market was never intended to be a fix all to our market woes, but it does serve a valuable function as a sort of classified listing to connect buyers and sellers. I've made dozens of sales already with it that I probably wouldn't have made fighting the chat spam. Work with whats available and quit demanding you have your way like a two year old.

oh nooooo. I just read this and...oh noooooo. I don't want a chat channel that has all of haven bunched into one. Many times the local haven channel moved to fast for buyers and sellers to connect :( At least once every couple trips to town u see someone saying WTB item x 500, and a scroll of text later someone else saying WTS item x 400. Now with 15 havens connected at once, good luck. This sucks. Also, who wants to compete with the entire market for a sale/buy? It was nice being able to jump havens and get a 'fresh start'. Like a reset on sales frustration. I can't sale, well i'll just bounce to haven x and be excited to hawk my wares again. Now i imagine i'll stand around for a few and say, 'f it, i'll just go venturing'.
@arimal, *sigh* i agree with your last post.
@skype, i don't want to pick on you, but can't you take some of the suggestions people give you, they are for your own good (and everyone else's). Lay off the negativity. Lay off the caps locking demands and such. It's almost like a self-deprecating sense of entitlement :( It can't help but imagine you sitting at home in a constant state of rage, browsing the forums...

Great work to whomever made the clockwork market. Just took a look at it, that's fantastic and is gonna really help me. Thank you.
I agree it's really hard to conduct in game sales now. I can't keep up with the offers and I'm sure others are missing my bids.

I really do like the clockwork market- it's clean, simple to use, and so far, it's the very best trade system we've got. If the creator of that site ever needs materials, I'll be glad to provide him whatever he wants free of charge... people who go out of their way to contribute to the community like that should be encouraged.
Back to the subject of trade channels: if you want to post something constructive, there's a thread in the suggestions forum to discuss how to improve the system. (less rant-focused)
Personally, I like the idea of a merged chat, and ultimately the problems with the trade channel are just symptoms of a larger issue with the strategies used by the new class of "merchants". I'd rather fix those symptoms, and let the devs focus on adding significant new gameplay (rather than helping a few people hock monster bones faster).
Sega just ruined of one the things I look forward to doing in this game other than going for runs in dungeon . . . Y. . .
Geez man, complain much? We have in game mail, the site gives the IGN of the person selling the items, contact the person and arrange to make a trade. Until the devs make an in game auction house, this is the next best thing. If you don't like something about the site, instead of complaining "it's clunky, [and] hard to use", maybe you should tell the creator why it's hard to use. In his thread, preferably, in the Bazaar section of the forums. Constructive criticism is always welcomed by people who make stuff.
The other option is to make something better yourself. The creator of the clockwork market is teaching himself a valuable skill (database interaction via HTML/PHP), maybe you can do the same yourself.

In regards to the trade channel, for the English instances at least, bunching a few instances together may be a good idea. Though... 1 and 2 shouldn't go together at all.
It moves by so fast I can't read it, and if I look away for a moment I can miss a tell.
Since the game has no chat logs, I can't look at it full screen, or search it.
I hoped I could post to /2 without having to read it, but you can't post to it if you're not reading it.
Does anybody have a suggestion on how to deal with the new system? Closest I've come is posting my things, then leaving right away so I can read any tells I get.
Changes I can see as helpful
1. Allow someone to post to /2 without being joined to it, allowing someone to post the things they're selling to the trade channel but be out of it so they can see find their tells and not lose them in the wall of chatter.
2. Implement chat logs so someone can read the chat full screen, and search through it.
3. Add buttons that allow you to scroll between tells.
4. Add tabs for different types of chat
oh, yeah, this seems like a good service:
BUY 1000 Trojan Horseshoe 25 cr Pinto 1h 13m
he spammed practically the entire page as well. can you add a feature that allows voting to ip ban?
/ignore [name]
Should clear that specific one up for ya.
(But only you.)

Monstrous is probably referring to the offers on the clockworkmarket website, where pinto is osting a lot of buy offers for the same price as basil, in a predatory attempt to get people to see him stuff for WAY less than it's worth.
Note that you can filter results by particular material. The bold text helps you find the best price, and if there are ANY other offers besides his, then his results won't be bolded.
/leave 2
Hope it helped :p
and just in case:
/join 2