i have noticed some armor sets have shield like the cobalt set and some dont like the bomber (fused demo) set. do u think the developers will complete them or is that how their intended to be?

There is no point on doing everything. We'd end up with lots of shields with cloned abilities.

IIRC there are 6 shield lines that level up with their respective armor set (Defender, Plate, Owlite, Scale, Skelly, and Jelly) and 2 shields that were made long before their respective 5* armor sets (BTS and Snarby, CoA and Almirian) came out in completely different armor lines. Considering that all of the shields are part of sets primarily known for their defensive, not offensive bonuses (like demo, etc.), it wouldn't make a lot of sense give them their own special shields.
Although, by that logic BTS shouldn't exist, and I could make the argument for that (for one, Echo doesn't have one).
And while we're at it, obliterating any remaining challenge in this game with suggestions of even more offensive shields, why don't we do a universally accepted notion and finally make a 2* gunner set?

so the sets weren't made to include a shield for each one. its just i have a hard time giving a shield to the sets that doesn't come with one.
on an entirely different topic, is it okay if i ask questions that inst answered for me in the game like why doesn't the auction have a timer instead of having general terms that represent the time like long, medium and short.

There's a search bar, use it. That will answer 99% of your questions and it won't spam the boards.

Don't worry much about shield armor sets. Pick the armor that is right for the situation and pick the shield that is right for the situation. Sometimes I gear purely for attack buffs and sometimes I am more concerned about defense. That and for example the Snarbolax set is a set in looks alone; the helm/armor is Shadow/Normal/Freeze/Poison while the shield is Piercing/Normal (though all pieces provide a Med sword damage buff).
Starting out I only had one armor set, but I made this work by covering all my damage types with 3 shields which is faster and cheaper to do then getting 3 complete sets.
I would not hold your breath and I doubt they thought it out.