I have Wolver Cap, Cobalt Chest, Brandish, Defender, and Firotech Alchemer. I just finished Rank 4-2. Am I ready for the missions ahead or do I need to get 3-star gear? I am saving up crowns for energy so I can get the Drake Scale Shield. I might just continue with the gear I have, but I want opinions on this.
Am I ready?

Soulstaker said it. Each Hall of Heroes sets the minimun gear the average player should use for the following row of missions.

And FYI, most people say that drake scale shield is not good to use. It doesn't resist any normal damage, which there is still a lot of even in tier 3, and all mobs in tier 2 do at least 1/2 normal damage. Piercing plus elemental doesn't really fit many strata, and piercing enemies are usually easiest to fight anyway.

If you're any good at dodging bullets, go ahead and do the missions. They should be easy. If not, get a better shield.
BTW I do not recommend the drake scale shield - as Halandin said, it doesn't resist normal. Personally I would get a shadow shield (that's just me though - I have serious devilite problems). If you can, get three specialized shields, eg. defender, skelly, owlite shields.
NB If you are a sworder, try to get wolver coat. Armour defence doesn't help much.

@Halandin: I'm one of the people who religiously uses the Dragon Scale Shield in Tier 3 arenas for Slime and Beast themes. Why? Because in Tier 3: Wolver bites are pure piercing, Slime tackles (except for blast cubes, melted ice cubes, and lichen melee attacks) are 100% piercing, slim and lichen spike attacks are 100% piercing, Mecha Knight attacks are 100% elemental, Mecha Knight charge attacks (and their bullets, save for the purple ones) are 100% elemental, ... you get the point. There is a lot less normal damage in Tier 3 than everyone thinks. Pure type damage gear is a good thing and I wish we had more of it, as in: Gear that only protects against piercing.

Good point on the beast and slime arenas, but doesn't that make it rather a niche shield then? I'm thinking the OP should avoid it, at least for now, because he (or she) is still in tier 2, and is still new enough to need gear that is more generally useful.

Really interesting point! You've made me consider adding one to my arsenal eventually. Hmm.

Just keep upgrading that brandish (fireburst is my recommendation [or shock if you do lockdown]). Stick with the shield for now but don't get rid of it should you choose to get a drake scale shield.
Armor/helm are good at your current 'level'
You don't need 3* until you reach the 3* hall of heroes.