Remove that timer when a party/when you die. That 3min clock before you get sent up to Haven. This is my second time getting d/c & then having to return to Haven after all that work I just did on that depth & it's not like I'm planning on re-doing it since SK is very time consuming if you guys have not noticed.

Should be a suggestion.
I forgot this thing existed when I had to take a bathroom break and I ended up back in Haven "mysteriously".

This isn't a suggestion, this is a complaint.

Then why did you move it to suggestions?
If you say its a complaint, it shouldn't be here.
Though this really is a suggestion, you are saying that they should remove the timer.

Someone from OOO could have moved it.
In Shadow Lairs the timer actually extends to 10 minutes.

I agree a lot of people have been having similar problems this week. The problem with the timer and no /vote to kick pt lead really show. If you are a Steam user it is IMPOSSIBLE to get back on in time to be rejoined. Since we can't un liink steam please SUPPORTit by extending the timer. Steam needs to restart , takes a minute, then check for updates (could be long time or cause another restart.) then log in 30 seconds, then it checks for games updates (now your punish people if the have a lot of games), then finally you can click start spiral knights . Yes Steam is not a OOO problem but some fixes could to work better would be nice.

i also support this, they should extend it to at least 5 minutes.

^you two are having a rather disappointing amount of confusing alt-fueled dialogue. I expected more trolling, Biand :/
Speaking of which, I need to track down Xplad. I have the suspicion that the new name might have something to do with me.

Just wanted to say, in all seriousness,
You're a poopyhead.

It comes with the contract.

Point in the timer:
1) Pressure knights to spend CE. Obvious one.
2) Not be able to sit around for 3 hours waiting for some friends to finish their Shadow Lair to help you out.
3) Discover which newb was lying about "i has nu ce" when the team wiped.
I think removing it is a little overboard. Extending it would be fine. If you're trying to play an MMO with an internet service that cuts out for more than, say, 10 minutes...
You shouldn't be playing MMOs (OR You shouldn't be playing MMOs while there is a hurricane/tornado/assorted tropical storm outside).
Of course, my internet has had a history of terrible outages and it doesn't stop me. I'm such a hypocrite.
Save yourself the frustration, don't get Charter.

I love it when people in my Pugs are all "i haz no nrgs tab ploxx". The thing they don't realize is that I can see their energy tab on the top. Only if they have less than ten energy total will it turn red otherwise it stays yellow. Occasionally I do tab if the player is halfway decent or a complete newb who can use some help.

(EDIT: This is to address the reconnecting as dead issue; unrelated, maybe)
1) Measure latency every 5 minutes starting from the beginning of each clockwork level
2) If horrendeously high, request player's client to send a signal to the server every 10 seconds.
3.A) If server receives signal, repeat till level ends
3.B) If server does not receive for more than 20 seconds, mark user as disconnected and disable damage to player untill player is able to reconnect in time.
4) If signal not received but player is still able to send attack/move/anything commands to the server, server will not apply player's commands.
I mean, yeah, anyone who disconnects frequently shouldn't really be playing SK, but bad days in the clockworks can be relieved by a bit.
Also: +1 to extend DC timer.

Im sure that sending packets to the server every 10 seconds will really help already lagged player.,
"+1 to extend DC timer." What DC timer? There is no such thing like DC timer.
The only timer is afk timer which kick you after 15 minutes of inactivity (no matter if you are DC or just afk) which is already really long.
The 3 min timer is only when all your party members die. Its really rare that all party members will DC at same moment and there will be noone to revive you.

Maybe not remove it entirely, that would be sorta gamebreaking - somebody in a Mecha Knight-filled arena just kills self, sits back and waits for them to all shock themselves to death (can they die from self-induced shock? Need to check that). Win arena while lying around, dead, on the floor in a spike trap.
Maybe if d/c'ed, the timer for the person should be disabled - if the entire party is d/c'ed, no timer.
However, I can see people disconnecting from their wireless deliberately for two hours and coming back, in the same position, with everything lying dead around them.
By the way, good idea to stop people taking damage while AFK/disconnected - although, while this is happening, no movement or action, to stop abuse of disconnections.
Oh, and @Severage - In a 3-man party (one was my brother), one person was claiming he had no energy, my brother's tab was being paid (not by me), the third person didn't have the purple >10 energy sign and was on about 2ME to revive. I know, because me and my brother's rev totals added up to 2 less than 'Revive Party' button said.
He got hisself kicked, in other words. He can solo it if he wants, and as I was guiding (supporting) them through the Royal Jelly Palace, and he was about 1.5* average (in my brother's guild), AND he can't invite anyone (in boss levels, no invites), then he's staying right where he is, thank you very much.

then that means OOO has to remove that time limit in Shadow Lairs.
unfortunately i never die in SL so i don't know what time it is
probably like, 10. Minutes.
Either that or extend it to 10 mins.
I had that touble several times, especially when my lapton rarely gives me the low battery sign and forces me into turn off.