I was just wondering on the general opinion of the community if in FSC it is better to do it as quickly as possible or as throughly as possible. Especially in 25 where i find some people skip puppy room and sometimes even totem room. It drives me crazy. Anyways, thank you for any input you have on the matter.
FSC: Speed or thoroughness?
If anything, I'd skip the wheel room. There are only 3 zombies in there, and so much running D:
People will skip puppy room because t3 missiles are (at first) very hard to dodge (and sometimes the rocket puppy will see you even if you're sneaking through the bottom of that room D:)
Strangely enough, after dodging strikers as a recon in lockdown, I faced the rocket puppy without OHKOing it with alchemer charge and danced spirals around the rocket lol. Thank lockdown for teaching me how to gun and move lol.
For the puppy room,I usually just have someone be a decoy, unfortunately, I'm almost always the decoy ;_;
Anyways, it's all preference in what you want to do. It's better not to waste energy if you think you can't do it at the time (not enough health or whatever).
If you know what your doing neither of those rooms are hard. Stand in corner of totem room with blitz. Kill trojan. Move totem. Eat zombies.
Puppy room: One person draws aggro and stands behind wall. Other player runs through and eats zombies. Om nom nom. All done.
If you know what your doing neither of those rooms are hard. Stand in corner of totem room with blitz. Kill trojan. Move totem. Eat zombies.
That is why I said "usually". You said "Especially in 25 where i find some people skip puppy room and sometimes even totem room." These are people who aren't quite as good.
> Spawn all the zombies, kill left side
> Shoot zombies in the bottom area to draw them left
> Deal with missile (guns)
- Got a Pulsar line, Iron Slug? Keep shooting puppy until dead, run across, ezpz.
- Got an elemental alchemer? Charge shot at about a 30-45 degree angle, then shoot it until dead, run across, ezpz.
- Neutralizer? Time the charge shot to interrupt the windup.
Those are the legitimate ways of getting across safely.
There are also ways to do it in reverse, and also ... less safe ways (dear god, the terrible memories of trying to run and dodge with just DA / Blitz, curse/freeze vials LOL), but I don't recommend those unless you're pro speedrunning or something.
honestly, id take my time if we are doing everything. Speedrun with minimum is around 4kcr, and taking time is 7-8k (one run, tested before)
the puppy room its best to bring a polaris/AP/volt driver to kill quickly the pup, and disawakening it. mostly for professionals.
if you havent beat hte totem room before, you kill the trojan to open the doors, albe to move one totem for easier stuff
also try to do rooms without help of others for faster and efficient time use
I do & kill everything like a boss.
@ Mczeno
Kitty-Softpaws: You go kill the slag walkers as I taunt-dance-hold-aggro the rocket puppy
you don't even have to aggro puppy, shock does wonders in that room. kill the 2 groups in the left and bottom from the left out of sight from the puppy, and then shock the ones that have gathered at the ghost box if there are enough of them still alive by the time they get shocked they will break the ghost box and give you acces and repeat that for the last one or you can just shoot them from the top.
Usually, some people skip those rooms because they're the more difficult rooms in that depth. Just some food for thought.