After a long war between the Spiral Knights and, well, Spiral Knights, the Rebellion won. The war was long, and for The Savior (the Spiral Knights who were attacked) it was also unexpected.
It all happened in one day, in one day an empire has fallen and in one day an new empire was born, an empire that only searched for more power and more money.
Scarface (the leader of The Rebellion) was in some way able to manipulate other Spiral Knights, he chose to manipulate the weak and poor. Of course it was simple, just tell them they get money and power and they will lissen.
The Savior was pushed back far away to the south of the kingdom, their army was small, but atleast they had the time to prepare. They didn't take much time to prepare. Because they had one thing that might help them alot: The Eagle-Squad. They may be a small group of elite soldiers, but what they have already done, has saved many lives.
It was a quiet day at the camp of Fox-company and the Eagle-Squad, well, it was for now.
Everyone was resting for the battle that was going to come.
Suddenly at the horizon, a red Spiral Knight (also known as Lightning) came at a high speed, he wasn't in a hurry, but he was just a very fast runner. He ran to the group of soldiers that were his friends, the Eagle-Squad.
"Guys! Guys! Guess what, we need to scout the town before Fox-company will attack." he asked.
"Well i saw that coming, let's get ready!" the leader known as 'Sky' yelled, he was a blue Spiral Knight.
The rest of the group just did what was expected of them. 'Eagle', a yellow Spiral Knight, stood up and put his sniper rifle on his back after cleaning it. 'Fire' a red Spiral Knight, just puts all his explosives back on his bandolier, he was sure that they weren't armed, if they were, "To bad.". 'Striker', also a blue Spiral Knight was just done with counting his mags. 'Shade', a black Spiral Knight, sharpened his knife and got ready. 'Rock', a blue Spiral Knight (the color blue was very popular amongst the Spiral Knights), was already ready, he didn't want to miss a little fight, though maybe they weren't going to fight. 'Doc' a white Spiral Knight, filled his bag with FFM (Fast Fix Metal). 'Destroyer', a red Spiral Knight, readied his PRMG (Proto Machine Gun). And 'Brains', a green Spiral Knight, took a last look at his maps.
"So where are we going again?" Doc asked after everyone was ready.
"Copper Town, one kilometer away from here." Brains already answered before Sky.
"Right, just a scouting mission, sorry Rock." Sky said while Rock moaned.
"Yeah but if it was safe then we wouldn't be on a scouting mission." Eagle pointed out.
"Yes but Rock wants more of a big fight rather than killing 5 troops standing behind sandbags."
"Let's just get going shall we, slowbots." Lightning said rather annoyed.
"We might be slow but i can put a bullet through your head right here, right now." Destroyer said teasingly, or not.
The group started at their journey, but this journey was going to be a MUCH more bigger journey than anyone of them would have expected.
"There it is!" Eagle said pointing at the destroyed city in front of them.
They entered the town.
"It's quiet.. To quiet." Shade noticed looking around.
"Well, they are supposed to arrive tomorrow after all." Sky said.
"If they were supposed to arrive just tomorrow, why are we here then?" Lightning said annoyed.
suddenly a rock fell somewhere. All of them went into position, in a circle pulling out their weapons and shield, also putting on their mike.
"What was that?!" Striker said looking carefully around.
It was quiet for a while but the Eagle-Squad held their positions.
"MG IN THAT BUILDING!" Fire yelled. Everyone looked up at a building where someone appeared at the window.
The first reaction was that they were trying to attack him, however, they also saw multiple enemies appearing everywhere.
"Crap, it's to hot out here! We gotta get out of here!" Sky yelled as sthe group ran back.
Another few enemies appeared in front of them.
At this point, hell came. Everywhere they were shot at, nowhere they had cover.
They raised their shields and activated them.
"Now what?! Lightning said.
"There! Move in that building!" Sky said pointing at an empty building (yet destroyed building).
They all ran to the building, they ran for their lives, literally.
Everywhere enemies appeared, nowhere was safe except the house. Grenades and flashbangs landed next to them, exploding behind them.
They hopped in the building, they haven't of doors since they were jumping through the window.
"So what's the plan?" Doc asked.
"Other than not dying." Eagle said reloading his sniper rifle.
"Bravo 2, this is Eagle-3, town is hot! I repeat, town is hot. We've been compromised, requesting for backup!" Brains yelled to his radio strapped on his back.
"Copy that Eagle-3, backup is coming, ETA is 5 minutes." was the response.
"Roger." Brains confirmed.
"Don't think we can stay in this building for five minutes right?" Rock asked with a voice full of sarcasme.
"Best we can do is hold our grounds for now." Sky yelled in response.
"Take your positions at the windows." Sky yelled.
"Brains give me your map of this town."
Brains gave him his map, Sky put it on a table (or what was left of a table).
At the moment the house where Eagle-Squad was in was heavily protected by them, however the building was about to collapse by all the explosions by EG (Energy Grenades) and RPE (Rocket Propelled Energy).
"Okay guys heres the plan! We go through that door and just keep running! Eagle, Striker you provide us covering fire, on my sign you follow us." Sky said through his mike. Everyone confirmed that they understood it.
"Everybody, get to the door!"
Everyone left his position and got to the door.
"On three."
As the door opened, hell unleashed once again.
They raised their shield as fast as possible and activated them, pushing the bullet rain of plasma and proto back. As everyone got out of the door, Eagle and Striker took their positions in front of the door. Eagle immediatly took down a MG in a tower that was shooting at his friends, he was the best sniper throughout the whole army so it only took him 2 seconds to take him down.
Striker on the other hand didn't have much with his PRSMG (Proto Sub Machine Gun) at this range, so he just randomly shot around.
When Sky and his friends reached to cover.
"Your clear to come now."
Eagle and Striker came as fast as possible.
"FLASHBANG!!" Fire yelled pointing at what looked like a grenade not 1 meter away of them.
Sky immediatly jumped at the flashbang to throw it away.
Sadly enough he wasnt fast enough, he was able to through it away from the group, but not away from himself.
The flashbang exploded right in front of his face.
All he saw was white light, stunned as he was. Slowly he fainted.
"Man down!" was the only thing Sky heard from Doc who tried to pull him away.
It's good, but has room for improvement. For instance, try spacing out paragraphs instead of leaving no space between them. It makes it easier to read for people like me and, personally, I think it looks more professional. Also, look over your paragraph before posting because there are some grammar mistakes in this. But overall its very good, but if it was longer the story would be juicier and a little more detail wouldn't hurt.
Sorry if that was harsh, but that's my personal opinion. If it offended you, I'm sorry.