Equinox hasn't touched the wiki since the 22nd of April O____O
Old and Unobtainable or rare equipment
BTW you should have a look at the screenshots on the spiral knights website, they have some of these equips :)
and I have some screen shots of devs Geordie and Crazyoddbaa
They made an appearance in the test sever :) will post sometimes soon when im bother lol
I have pictures of Cronos in Snipe form with the name of the items (thought they don't appear to have official names), but Steam is having errors uploading my images.
EDIT: Steam won't process the images, but I found them in my computer. The helmet is called "M.(DEV)_SNIPE" and the body is called "M.(DEV)_NOBODY"
this thing... I've seen it before... twice....
Thanks Mindspark. I got an image of the NOBODY armor, just need one of the SNIPE helmet.
Soul Jellies are rare, but not particularly un-viewable or such. I saw my first one in FSC, in place of an oiler, last week. It was a pleasant surprise. I was solo'ing, so I had time to take a pic before I killed it.
Edit: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054716117/screenshot/59471974...
I would love to see someone with the Darkfang Shield. I just want to see one in game
Contact Danizpsycho. He has two, and would GLADLY show them off to you.
Wanted to give ya this: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/55141
Pretty sure you wont have that.
The promo vid has many secrets...
Example: 2 obsolete armor sets, 2 obsolete shields, Two obsolete swords, One obsolete Bomb, One obsolete gun- Though most of these were the old spiral knights standard gear.
Then, there's also the Kat helms which were reused in Kataklysm, and the one kat helm scrapped, but (GM) reused it.
The Templar sets, which, unfortunately I cannot show you, Because I can't find any information or evidence supporting the fact that it's been used before.
Oh look, it's this thread again.
Other wiki editors and I have already created most the pages and added them things to these two pages:
Templar Armor got a mention on the Spiral Plate Mail page.
YAY! to the snipes :D