My theiory of the species and antomony of knights(+ a convo abou this subject.)
Atrumvindex: -_-
I know what we are.
We are fleshy aliens with a energy-powered pacemaker attached to us(the CE rev) and can psyhon energy to others(Health rev).
Fri, 05/04/2012 - 14:30 #38
Mygmar: @Atrumvindex
Totally agree. We all have different hues, and we're humanoids. So...I wonder how we exactly started using this CE right off the bat? Did our last planet have the same energy? Were we researching it with drones and discovered a way to harness it before we got here? I'm just confused.
Also, Knights are pill heads.
Fri, 05/04/2012 - 14:36 #39
Atrumvindex: Hmm...
Maybe a central hub and you are given a set amount of E. The Hub contained other types of energy. You could buy more.
The cental hub was destroyed with the crash.
Unless you are transferring this discussion to a new, non-argument overridden thread?
My theory on what Knights are is pretty simple: Humanoid creatures (biological) who crashed on an alien (to them) planet, and have started mining and stripping it in an attempt to power their ship to get home.