I've noticed that the last 2 joiners in a 4-player party usually get the best materials... Usually when I go for a Jelly King run, I always somehow end up as party leader... I always get the least amount of materials, and always get the 2 star materials. Has anyone noticed this? I'm not complaining, I am just unsure of how the distribution of materials works.
Final 2 Players to join a 4-Player Party seem to get the Best AND the Most Materials?
"I am just unsure of how the distribution of materials works."
The answer is 'randomly'. ;)
If you really think so, you should record all the drops collected by all party members, as well as the order in which the members joined the party. You should do this for at least ten runs in a row (no fair recording the data only if the results look good for your theory!)
I think you will find that 'randomly' means 'randomly' and that which player gets the most drops will vary... randomly.
Was totally the other way around for me the other day. It can be pretty one sided at times..
Loot drops are completely random. When you joined a party has nothing to do with how many items you will get.
Loot drops are round robin. You should have realized how stupid this was going to sound.
In WoW there are people who carry stacks of gray rabbit's feet for good luck.
Lol, it was completely different for me, in most cases the first two had better drops, while I belonged to the last two :P