Hiyas, Nubskills here! With a 1* heart pendant, how many extra health bars would the +1 Health Bonus give? If it's only a single extra health bar, would it be viable to leave pendant 4* if the difference is just 1 bar of health? I know this should also belong in the Arsenal, but it's a pretty nubby question as well lol
Heart Pendants question
+1 health bonus= 1 extra bar of health.
+2=2 extra
+3=3 extra
1*= 2 bars extra
2*= 3 bars extra etc.
Add one health bar to the star level to get the health bonus.
+1 health bonus IS one bar, but the 4* trinket gives a +5 health bonus.
Anyway, in order to get trinkets, you need CE - 100 ce (smallest unit buyable) can give you two trinket slot upgrades at once - this means that, with two heart pendants, you get a load of extra health.
Par exemple:
At 1*, that gives you +4 health bars. In tier 1, damage taken is (ususally) 1/4 of a bar per hit. That means that you can take 16 more hits - that's SIXTEEN hits, and nobody is clumsy enough to get hit sixteen times in a row, without healing, in tier 1.
In tier 3, 1 bar (two bars for two pendants) will not last nearly as long as in tier 1, BUT it would be useful in LD because you might not get one-hitted so much. At two 5* trinkets, you will have +12 bars, which is not much more than +10 - BUT (and this is the big but) it might just see you live through one more hit.
Still, there's not much else I can say, but, if you have CE to burn and enough Krogmo Coins, sure, go ahead.
It is probably viable to leave it at only 4*, and if you die in tier 3 PvE with a permanent +5 bonus, that extra one pip is not going to help. Still, using double trinkets most certainly is viable (maybe not economically viable, but hey).
Ah ok, thanks Raisinfistand Artistbma, that really helped, I'll most likely aim for two 4* pendants for the future, if it's only two bars of difference. Having an extra 1600ce, 10kcr and more enamorocks just for two extra bars doesn't seem viable for now, personally I don't think that it'll be worth the cost of two 5* items lol
Ehh, Raisinfist if you still see this....
"Anyway, in order to get trinkets, you need CE - 100 ce (smallest unit buyable) can give you two trinket slot upgrades at once"
But according to the wiki's entry on supply depots "Trinket Slot Upgrade (30 Days)" cost 150 CE each? Am I getting something wrong here? >_<
People tend to use mist energy to lower the actual CE cost, so on one day, use 100 mist and 50ce to get the slot(150ce), repeat the next day.
100ce effectively used to get two slots. Mist saves you a lot of cash if you use it right.
People often forget the extreme usefulness of even 100 mist, as it's free and everyone's like 'ZOMG WAT I DO WID JEST 100 MIST I NED LIK 200 FOR MY NEW GEAR FFF', completely forgetting that their mist can save them most of the trouble.
No seriously, if I didn't use my mist, I'd only be halfway to where I am now.
It helps a LOT.
That made no sense whatsoever.