has any one seen a change in the energy market for cr

You're lucky, when I joined, it was around ~7500cr average.
@OP Fact is, the energy market is always the same, until a major event occurs (ie, when all the P2Pers buy energy for no real reason). Why would they all buy it? I'll leave you to figure that out. What happens when they do buy it? I'll leave that to you as well.

When you joined? Blah, that was actually when the second set of missions got patched in...
As a result, King of Ashes (Or as the level is called, Firestorm Citadel) Was paying out 12-15K AVERAGE, eventually a patch came in that nerfed it down to 7K average, and lowered the price of CE.
At the time, though, it was harsh to all new/F2P players, it was literally taking from the poor and giving to the rich.
Glad that whole thing has ended though, but CE prices are still a bit high for my tastes.

The prices were higher before any of this mission nonsense. When I joined they were around 6,700-7600 back last August.
But they were also lower at times. 4,900 was delicious!

errr how was it literally taking from the poor and giving to the rich? I don't think it was even figuratively taking from the poor and giving to the rich. To be honest, high ce prices suck for everyone. lol.

Lanieu - Lowest I've seen CE was at 5,800, and I'd throw anything I could to get it back down to an even 6,000 at the least.
Pawn - "Rich" people (Those with a large stash of CE/Crowns) Were able to make large profits off of the heightened CE market at the time, not sure if this affected you in any way, but if it did suck for you, chances are, it affected less people than I thought >_>
i mean in the long term because it is about 1000cr more then it was when i joined

yeah i thought about the people who intentionally manipulate the market. So it could be seen as you said. I'm just a little too lazy to mass sell ce when prices go high.

Lowest Ive seen was 2k per 100, right after the unbinding patch.
When i started it was 2.8k per 100, back in May 2011. :3

Lowest i've seen was 3.3k ce per 100 during steam launch weekend. It was magnificent. With the in coming steam users the price of swordstone (calibur mats) absolutely went through the roof. I'd make 10k ce in about 3 hours just playing the Mecha arenas. You'd get about 3-5 swordstones that would sell for 2k apiece. You'd get a 1-2 silver coil that sold for 3k. 2-4 force dynamos for 800cr each. A few gremlin gyros for 500 apiece. 1-2 heavy gears selling for 7k each.
Worst case scenario you'd come out of an arena 12k crowns worth of mats. I couldn't keep them on the AH they sold so quick. So you'd make at least 400 ce per arena. That's not even counting all the other mats from the rest of the run. And if i were the type of person who'd loop arenas (surely i wouldn't!!! Or would i? No no, surely i didn't if memory serves me correctly). Then you could make 20k ce in 5 hours or so.

I hear a rumor that a certain knight, named after a piece on the chess board, made over 80k ce that weekend. And he gave another certain knight, who shares a name with the desert fox--a famous tanks commander (but was not named after him--mere coincidence) 30k of that ce.

@Rommil You mean Rook? Yeah. He's the best.
Also- the price of CE is the same; go read up on the energy market. Enough has been posted about it already.

Man, I joined before missions came out, long enough before to get a full Wolver set, plate shield, bristling buckler and Tempered Calibur - the very same one I'm using to this day.
Now, back to business...
I think that OOO is going to bring out a new CE promo sometime soon - CE prices just spiked, which means not as much is being bought ATM, so they'll bring out a new promo to get people to buy some more. Go figure.

and , today prices rise above 7k , honestly i don´t know what new players, and me are going to do now to get energy without doing excesive grinding X_X

It's a consistent trend that when ce goes above 7k some artificial means comes in to drop the ce back to a level that encourages new players.
P.S. I strongly suggest everyone struggling with ce to do a 1 time ce purchase (cheapest available), create an alternate account. Use this account to either craft items, or buy and resell weapon/trinket slots. I mean, almost everyone has the means to do this--even kids. Make a deal with your parents and mow the lawn, wash the dishes for the week, whatever. It is worth it, and will give you the ability to help sustain your ce. And it'l help out OOO.