Today I ran into a map that did not have an elevator to go down further depths. I walked around the perimeter and found no alternate pathways outside of the entrance, and there was no hidden exit anywhere inside the large area either. Has anyone else run into this problem in this particular map?
Steel Titan Gate, Depth 10 - Deconstruction Zone (Cold Storage)
Technically you should be able to sit at the prior elevator and wait for the next level icon to change if you were aimed at a Deconstruction Zone. I think it's on a 3 minute timer? You'd just need to memorize what the icon looked like.
Won't do you any good if its a randomized gate =T
Though I have been in two Deconstruction Zones today and no problems, I'm lucky this time (so far)
i just mean its not necessarily convenient to sit around waiting. and expecting the players to skirt around the bug is asking a bit much. most people probably arent looking at the gate map and really aware of how that system actually works, especially new players.
They sent the email for a reason people. And it told you what to do.
I tried to avoid Decon gates myself, but got one in a random selection level. As soon as I had seen the whole map and realized there was no exit, I did as the email stated and submitted a bug report/ticket. The same instant that I finished clearing the zone (I hadn't unlocked any of the gates yet when I submitted the report, but had killed everything else, so not much later), there was a GM showing in my party list and moments later I was loading down to the next level.
This issue was fixed today, and I'm moving this to bug reports.
They sent an in-game message telling you to avoid Deconstruction Zones as they are bugged.