Volcanic Pepperbox... once the "reel 'em in" weapon... now the "I'ma Turret!" weapon... :3
Volcanic Pepperbox... once the "reel 'em in" weapon... now the "I'ma Turret!" weapon... :3
Can't believe you aren't banned yet for all the witchhunts, Psychodestroyer. Go to an imageboard, or something.
Witchhunts? Wat.
Tsu's my friend, I don't see where you're getting witchhunting from.
Okay, listen closely, there won't be repeats: if I ever see you again satirising any of my writings on this forum I'll file out a civil lawsuit. This is completely serious. I've had enough of this constant harassment.
"satirising any of my writings"
I have no-idea what that means, and am too lazy to look it up. I'll just assume it means 'copy/mock/demean' or something.
Second, I have no idea what you're on about. Not joking. What are you on about?
Third, constant harassment? Seriously? You're the one interpreting everything aggressively, from ANYONE who posts to you negatively at ALL.
AND you keep imagining my posts as personal attacks. What the hell?
In the last thread you raged at me about, I implied 'someone' calling me a 'backseat moderator'.
1) I did not name you. You chose to identify yourself, for whatever reason.
2) Explain HOW that is personally offensive to yourself? I posted no insult in that post, nor did I say anything FURTHER that 'this not-named-person did this' in that post, yet you interpreted it as deliberate provocation.
"I'll file out a civil lawsuit."
Good luck with that. I know next to nothing about law, but even I can see you have no case. You started all the aggression and are STILL imagining my posts as personal attacks.
And because of that, you're now ruing a perfectly good new thread.
Keep your defense to the court, altough you still have a chance to redeem yourself.
I still have no-idea what you're on about.
Explain HOW my first post was even relevant to you?
"you still have a chance to redeem yourself."
Says the guy STILL being aggressive to everyone.
Do you even have a post on the forums in the past week or two where you're NOT attacking someone? Besides the OP of a thread you made, because it isn't directed to anyone?
There is no place for explaination, harass again and you will be sued. End of story. Nothing more to it. I won't respond here anymore.
Also, LULZ
IMO, Psycho was just stating something that made him lulz, that I knew of... You make what you will of it.
Also, online person... not really sueable... or w/e your trying to do... I mean really?
On a serious note, Its like having... a portable wall... of fire... FOREVAR!
"harass again and you will be sued"
I still fail to see the bit in my first post that counts it as 'again'.
It's all in your head Paw.
In any case, sorry for wrecking your thread Tsu. Graveyard it and do-over? Paweu seems to interpret all of my posts as personal attacks for some reason.
EDIT: @Tsu
"Psycho was just stating something that made him lulz, that I knew of"
You know of what made me lulz and therefore inspired that post? Huh? Am I missing something?
You said something, that you found funny... And I, the OP, was involved in... for moar lulz
Deadpool's mouth is the greatest weapon of all.
It makes you surrender, or Kill yourself.
Wanna know what I think of Deadpool?
Here's what I think of your memes.
The last Pannel is the main thing...
How about a comprimise so this doesn't get even more derailed.
This: http://www.gameinformer.com/cfs-filesystemfile.ashx/__key/CommunityServe...
Or this: http://static.fjcdn.com/comments/A+match+made+in+Heaven...or+Hell...or+t...
How it took max Asi and max CTR to prove that this weapon took 44 seconds to kill 1 enemy in a crowd of zombies like that.
I remember how back in the day it would have taken them out one at a time with those charges.
Ah, Tsubasa, what a nice thread about posting random images you've made.
+1 Yes, that is extremely sad..
Honestly, it hurts me dearly to watch that video knowing that I could kill all of those enemies in six seconds with a EV + Brandish charge.
The VP, isn't made to kill things, its there to keep you, and everyone behind you alive...
It works perfectly with any gun that does not have knockback, hit and run bombers, and charge spamming swordys.
That's a more practical survivability gun than Volcanic Pepperbox. Autoguns are about short range dps and always have been.
Supernova would work as well, if its bullets weren't so...radiant.
Always pushes monsters (Besides lumbars & unmovables) back to the very edge of its range. And it can push quite a large group there too. And if its not FSC, it sets most of them on fire. >:3
Oh yeah, and you become a fire spewing turret!
You shouldn't need a pepperbox to keep you alive.
I think, for one, that killing all those enemies in six seconds while taking no damage is safer then keeping them away from yourself and finally killing them in 3-5 minutes.
@Rangerwillx With respect, can we avoid throwing insults at one at someone who simply expressing an opinion about weapon and its changes people have had issues with. I may not be a mod, but that comment is kinda rude.
Personally, I actually like the newer VP changes, much like Tsu, and for the very reasons she mentioned. Plus it just feels more appropriate and satisfying when you knock a wave of enemies back (And keep them in a tight corner) rather than, say, yanking a single monster right into your face, phased or not. Also, unlike Supernova or Polaris, the knock with VP is predictable, and can be directed in whatever you want, where else the pulsar series tends to scatter a bit more unpredictably.
Understood. I edited it.
Still, if I was looking for a normal damage gun, I'd rather take a Valiance then a VP.
Well... Maybe its a good thing I didn't see that... EEeehhh... w/e
I totally get the whole "Damage Vs. Support"... Its just my opinion that Support people are more valuable in general, then say.... A wolver with a GF/DA/FF/Trollaris.
Just my opinion. /shrug
As much fun as the VP is to use, the hail driver could have done the same thing and did it faster...
There's really no way around it, the VP is underpowered, even in it's supposed niche. VP requires a charge, immobilization, and a reload to push things back, but Valiance can do it with normal shots and without reloading. Even the Valiance charge pushes mobs back a great distance.
This doesn't reflect the video quality though, was fun to watch.
While I like VP for its well placed knockback you can do, I will admit it does feel a bit underpower as is. Would I prefer the real-in instead of the knockback? heck know, I feel the knockback is very fitting for the VP. The trick is buffing it's more viable in a wider array of situations, and I certainly agree the combination between the immobilization, and reload sorta hold it back (Much in the same way the slower fuse and walk time hold back Irontech destroyer). The reload kinda makes realistic sense, but it does make me wonder if its necessary game wise. If you get rid of either immobilization or reload, then I'd think the gun would be more viable
Simple as that.
Also, good luck with that lawlsuit, Paweu. o__O
I made one, with CTR med UV. I use it for ishts and giggles, and for a challenge. I enjoy doing JK with ONLY VP. Including the JK fight. It's just fun.
"Okay, listen closely, there won't be repeats: if I ever see you again satirising any of my writings on this forum I'll file out a civil lawsuit. This is completely serious. I've had enough of this constant harassment."
It reminds me of... of... MRTAMTROLLHARD.
However, the utility on this only comes into play if the people in your party are willing to stand behind you. Now If I was bringing My alchemer / AP yeah, that would be cool, but we know this game to be swordies forever, and they'll never be that far away after they charged their attack.
Plus: You have MAX asi and MAX ctr, something a lot of people cant achieve unless they go FULL gunner with probably a UV on the weapon that's medium.
That's just the problem with this. Even at its maximum state, the utility of that pushback can be destroyed in both usefulness and power with my nitronome.
What I was thinking with this gun is, you know those flamethrower gremlins? You know that WAVE of fire they do? Maybe if that was the charge attack it would be boss, but then again that's totally changing the gun. Just food for thought though.
Heh.That video has just made me insanely glad that I did not vendor my old ASI low autogun.Once i get my main weapons and shield upgraded,I think ill start on upgrading that old autogun to a pepperbox,and so on.Nice video btw.
And @Paweu: Witchhunts? now just because you decided to stay a Commoner and not learn magic doesn't give you the right to hunt down witches wizards,warlocks,mages,sages,etc.We magic users have lives too,you know!
-Magnicth the Dragon Mage
Yay tsu I like the video, it's fun using hipster weapons.
It's safer than Blitz, even if it isn't better at killing em. So it has somethin for it :P
This makes me think about getting a Volcanic Pepperbox...
*crazy face*
That aside, that video almost makes me want to upgrade that Autogun I got as my first 2* gun, then ditched for the Antigua.
Almost. Maybe later...