I stole bacteria from my friends :D
The next person wasn't facing the computer screen an hour ago.
I stole bacteria from my friends :D
The next person wasn't facing the computer screen an hour ago.
I was staring at my PSP screen while I slaughtered wave after wave of Super Buu copies is Dragonball Z Shin Budokai 2.
The next person was slightly weirded out by my lengthy explanation.
I tripped over a rail and bruised my right leg in four different places.
The next person wonder's what I was doing tripping over a rail.
Not really, but I'm guessing that your home's on the other side of it but you foolishly slipped on a bug then tripped on the rail.
Next guy is Psychodestroyer. >:I
I like fb only o:
Next person had his/her head whacked by a stuffed toy in whatever way before.
I might had once.
Next person isnt Psychodestroyer.
The next person thinks Trobolta has a mild obsession with me.
At least I was right.
Next person ISNT Psychodestroyer for a change.
There was no change, you asked that last time :P
The next person thinks this bantering is random.
Then again, nothing on the internet ever does make sense.
Next person plays SK a lot.
i play a lot now, but not last time before this
the next person, is someone i know (either Trobolta or Iamnoone)
You dont know Iamnoone. You dont know him.
Next person is Takaseme.
Don't forget me now!
The next person has fell off from his/her bed before.
hit, when i was really really young
the next person haven't ate his/her breakfast/lunch/dinner yet
Because I abduct you to school :D
Next person doesn't have a cookie jar at home.
Bet Kuro and Taka have no idea what Egpnd and I are talking about.
Next guy doesn have Steam.
Name is the same as my SK IGN.
The next person can guess my IGN.
@Trobolta actually I do. somewhat.
I suck at guessing.
Next person's area is now night.
You want a cookie for compensation?
Next person didn't use a camera in the past week.
im a shield.
Next person knows what -tcp can do. (use it on steam) (no wiki cheating)
Unless you meant Totalitarian Fascists 2. Aw wait, that doesn't exist huh? Blast.
The next person hasn't posted here in two weeks +.
I just posted 2 seconds ago.
The following person isn't wearing underwear.
I can swim.
Next person likes the new Assassins Creed (3) game.
The next poster has played at least one of the portal games, demos included
Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss. There we go, 192 words right there!
Next poster thinks this was just stupid
my make my life decisions in there.
next person had a near-death experience with a tornado
The next person is a thief..