Everyone is talking about Spiral-Spy(well, some ppl are) and i have no idea what a JAR file is or what a spiral Knight directory is and, is it safe to use(as in is it a trojan)
Sun, 05/06/2012 - 09:44

Mon, 05/07/2012 - 10:44

Use Google like a normal person, at least.
1. If, on the original page (somewhere in the forum, too lazy to go look for it), it has disclaimers that it is downloaded AT YOUR OWN RISK then n, it is probably not a trojan. However, I can vouch for that. It isn't.
2. If you STILL think it's a trojan, just don't download it.
Directory (computer) = folder. Look in the 'Installation Guide' on the actual website as to where to put it.
.jar file = Java application file (executable). Like a .exe but you need Java to run it.
Oh, and BTW - next time you make a MMO account, don't use that username. It makes you look like a total n00b. No offence intended.