Delicious Bacon is a casual guild looking to recruit mature, experienced players. Our members are friendly, helpful knights who like to have fun and joke around. Plus, you get to run around with "Delicious Bacon" under your name if you join. Who wouldn't want that?
There are some things you should know before joining, however. We do mostly T2 and T3 runs, so it would be best if you at least have 4* gear. That said, there are no real skill or gear requirements. Also, the guild has two rules:
- No begging.
- Don't be a jerk. That's not the exact wording of the rule, but I'd rather not risk getting my post edited.
If you wish to join, fill out the application below. It's not a requirement for joining, but it helps us get to know you.
IGN: Your in-game name, not the website.
Age: You can put an age range here if you don't want to give an exact number.
Preferred Playstyle: Are you a gunner, bomber, swordsman, or a combination of those three?
Tier Clearance:
Bosses Killed:
From "purse" to "monument", how often are you carried?
What other information do you want to share?
Just trying my luck here, not even sure if you guys are still active.
I'm an ancient knight (was here before steam release) who stopped playing for more than a year and I started playing again some days ago. I remember when I started this game, I used to watch sk videos made by some awesome knights from Delicious Bacon (don't recall the names). Since then, I always had the wish to join this guild, but somehow never applied. Mature people? Yes please. Also, the name is pure awesomeness. Now, I, sadly don't have my old character anymore and am in the process of rebuilding one (currently 4 stars).
I'm experienced enough, but keep in mind I didn't play for so long and the game has changed a lot, new things have been introduced that I didn't tryed yet. I hate begging as much as you do, so that won't be a problem. And I'm not a jerk, at least I hope I'm not, but sometimes I admit I like trolling around.
IGN: Super-Potatos
Age: 21
Preferred Playstyle: I used to be mostly a swordie, but I now enjoy combining all three styles.
Tier Clearance: T3
Bosses Killed: Snarbolax, RT, Royal Jelly, Vanaduke.
Crispiness: As much as a Potato Chip can be? Not quiet sure I got this.
From "purse" to "monument", how often are you carried? I don't tend to be carried, but I haven't tryed the toughest levels yet. Let's just say i'm not the best nor the worst player around.
What other information do you want to share? I'm french, so my english comprehension is not perfect. I'm terribly bad at Lockdown (think i have less than 20 games played in my whole sk life) but I'm ok at BN.