So. There's an old guy with a brown kat hat, moustache and pipe in Spiral Knights.
Who is he and where is he found?
So. There's an old guy with a brown kat hat, moustache and pipe in Spiral Knights.
Who is he and where is he found?
Yeah, I remember him being on the new NPC Look Changes & still haven't seen him. Maybe in a Future Mission Update?
So, are you a Vanguard and completed all the missions and still haven't seen him? If so then he must be in the rescue camp :O
My preview server is at 8% and says 103 minutes remaining :(
What about the ghostly guy in Almrian armor?
No, I'm not a Vanguard.
However, the Ghostly Almirian is in a Mission, I think.(Pic would be Nice to Refresh Memory)
The goast is in a mission where you go to a graveyard to stick a pick into his grave to prove your friends wrong and collect $200. Unfortunately the pick also sticks some random protrusion of your armor into the grave and the goatst talks to you until you punch him with a limited-edition gold plated brass-knuckles-attached boxing glove which is hidden in a nearby sarcophagus.
Well, the Zombies were people before something happened & turned them Undead. The Almirians were those kind of people, so I'd Imagine so.
Ok, you didn't get my reference.
And I can't post a picture because it violates the spoiler rule.
darn you and your infernal references that make no sense.
I want a brown kat-hat with regal dapper combo. :(
Its probbly for the new players, [selfcensor] oldies.
Yes Ters, the oldies can go do something anatomically unlikely with themselves.
He looks like a tabard v- GUILD MANAGER GUILD MANAGER *flails arms*
I dreams about it and this guy was the guild manager! :O
inb4 crushed dreams
Quick, to the Boulevard of Broken Dreams!
I believe he has a Azure Guardian Armor with a military parrying blade. His name in the files is "oldhunter".
No, it's "dreamcrushr".
ive been (derping) around the rescue camp, and havent seen anyone like that... must be a future patch, or trolling
Kraanx, which rescue camp?
And I've just checked the files, it exists in not only the preview version, but the current one too.
i wanna see.