What exactly determines whether you get three or four at the end of a boss battle?
T2 Boss Tokens
Missions only have a chance from 2-3, but arcade runs starting from moorcraft only have a chance of 3-5. Anything in the middle of teir three has a 2-4 chance.
For a long time I was under the impression that extra tokens were the result of particularly efficient kills, but I've been on many clean, fast runs that only awarded the standard 3 tokens, and many horrible runs that awarded 4 (never had a 5-token run). As long as you complete all the levels leading to the boss to earn the standard 3, might just be random chance after that.
Its based on the number of times you spin in a clockwise circle before moving in the boss level. Once I spun the wrong direction and lost all my jelly gems..........
But seriously.....
In general I wouldnt trust a one-eyed cat, but in this case I agree with Narfle on the random chance (not sure that he has ever been on a clean fast run)
Usually dependent on the number of depths you actually complete in that if you join the party after the first boss depth, you'll get less tokens.
As for Arcade v. Missions; I've gotten 4x Jelly Gems on two back-to-back solos of RJP. Not sure if there really is a difference in "drop rates" between the two.
Fortunately, this kitty still has both eyes O.O (and they're watching you).
"It depends on where you started.
Missions only have a chance from 2-3, but arcade runs starting from moorcraft only have a chance of 3-5. Anything in the middle of teir three has a 2-4 chance."
... Lol no...
I've gotten 4 from the missions multiple times, and it is not possible to get 5. You only get 2 or lower if you don't start from the mission lobby or BEFORE the first boss depth.
Get your facts straight.
1. There is only one rule that determines how many tokens you will get:
When you join on depth right before Boss, you get 1 token, when you join two depths before boss you get 2 tokens, when you join on third depth before boss you get 3 tokens:
Boss floor ----------Pre boss floor----------Pre boss floor----------Pre boss floor----------Pre boss floor.......
Not joinable 1 token 2 tokens 3 tokens 3 tokens .........
2. The 1 extra tokens you get is completely random.
3. The 5 tokens in T1,T2,T3 is myth.
4. Only in SL you may get more tokens.
My guess is a low death count, but who knows.