If I want to farm UVs, is it more efficient to use Punch, who grants a UV every time, or craft a bunch of the same item?
It sounds dumb now that I'm putting it into words... But thoughts?
If I want to farm UVs, is it more efficient to use Punch, who grants a UV every time, or craft a bunch of the same item?
It sounds dumb now that I'm putting it into words... But thoughts?
Ragecrafting 3*s is generally a waste of resources.
How about 2*? I've been crafting them like crazy lately then I remembered Punch existed :/
2* is ideal for ragecrafting unless you really like T1 LD.
I've seen a lot of people just buy a ton of the 2* item they want, and then punch roll each one of them. Sell off the dozens of extra UVs for like 2k-5k each, and keep the ones you like (Or sell those depending on what they are).
I personally use an alt to craft. Those rare double/triple UVs can make your week.
If you can craft the 3* or below you craft it. Otherwise roll it.