So I was messing around in lockdown the other day doing a "mostly charge" loadout.
I noticed the divine avenger's ("DA") charge was neutered in lockdown in that the projectiles stop immediately. It was as if I was standing with my back to a wall every time, even in wide open spaces. I have yet to try this with the gran faust, or the 4* versions.
Is this intended? Why does the DA get this special treatment while other swords do not?
Would this charge be over powered in lockdown?
I have noticed that releasing a brandish charge near the point boundary interrupts the charge, same for DA or GF; there really few spots where you have a open area away from a capture point or a wall (Frostbite or Facility). Also, Brandish's charge is less susceptible to be interrupted as DA is.
Someone spamming DA charges surely would be annoying, but not deadly, If I remember correctly getting hit by a flying p****s, I mean "energy beam", automatically cancels it.