Poison, Most Underrated Status Effect?

Nope, stun is. Poison gets just as much love as it deserves.

I don't mind someone spamming poison bombs everywhere.
I DO mind someone spamming stun bombs.
I really hate when mobs are stunned.
Makes it hard to tell when exactly they are going to strike and sometimes when I fail to predict this they strike me twice.
Though poison haze bomb is terrible so.

Poison's good if your team knows what they're doing.
Whenever I run FSC with guildies, we have one bomber who uses RSS/Venom Veiler/EVortex while the rest of us tards spam Brandish.
Having a support bomb that doesn't hinder us like crazy (Lookin at you, Shiver!) is nice and handy. AoA might be useful on non-fire levels, but that thing obscures like crazy.

Works Wonders against Duskers on T2 Lockdown.
Makes them do only 2 Bars of Damage instead of about 5 each hit.
You should see the amount of Rage I cause with my Toxic Vaporizer Mkll+Stable Rocket Hammer.
"dud wtf i hit u like 10times y didnt u die!!1!!"
"dude srsly how the hell r u still aliev!11!?1?!?'
"stupid roket hammr!1!!111!"
Captain Hindsight
If you didn't want to get your Butt Handed to by a Quicksilver Set Wearing Person, Wielding a Poison Dealing Bomb & Rocket Hammer, able to Fend Off your Toothpick Barrages & Pulsar Shocks with Piercing Defence & Shock Resistance...
Then you shouldn't have used Wussy Attack Bonus Armor with Absolutely NO Elemental Defence & instead have used Drake Scale which both, Protects against Pure Piercing & Elemental Attacks, which the Flourish/Snarble Barb & Stable Rocket Hammer Purely Deal, & has Poison Resistance which Prevents your Attack Damage from being Lowered.
Although, I would like it to have Increased Knockback on the Victim. Other than that, Poison is Great.
EDIT: Thinking about Crafting Drake Scale & Dusker to Compare it with my Current Quicksilver Set. Kinda getting Boring just using 1 T2 Lockdown Set.

Stun is most broken status, just use it on Vanaduke ant tell me. Good thing OOO is busy fixing things like that instead of adding endless hats.. right?

Maybe not Poison in general, but the forms it comes in for players to inflict the status, I'd say those are.

Seeing how there's a Poison "Alchemist" Mist Bomb, I'd like to see a Poison "Alchemer" & Brandish, being an "Alchemical" Sword.
It was useful when there were more menders. Now it's kinda meh.
That being said, I'd craft a poison brandish in a heartbeat.

Poison is a poor choice in PvE, especially if you are solo. This is because this is a hit and run type of game. This means:
- If you are poisoned, you can back off until the poison wears off
- If you poison your enemies, the effect will have worn off by your third charge attack (or third reload if you are using guns.) Plus, gremlin menders heal a lot of health at a time. This usually means that if poison could help you in the first place (aka, you don't do enough damage to kill your enemies in one or two attacks) then the status will have worn off and the enemies will be at full health before you can kill them. This means that you wasted your time poisoning them in the first place.
Poison is much more valuable when you are running in groups. This is especially true in the third room of T3 arenas. But, this only works if your team mates have enough power to make up for your lack of damage output, and only if your team mates are good enough to handle the situation you're in (because you are not damaging your enemies directly.) So, I would not suggest running with a poison bomb when you are running in a Pick Up Group.
So, poison may be very useful under very specific circumstances when you are running with a trusted group. Otherwise it makes green bubbles come out of character sprites and does little else.

Yes. Poison is amazing and if you are a dvs lover you know that. It almost doubles your damage and makes the dvs like a lighting speed levi. Im actually in the process of making a vid showing that.

@Pokenuevo "Discuss"
Who are you to give us orders? You think that with a single word we will start dancing as you want?

Venom Veiler + 2 menders = room clean, menders suicide
And yet the OP doesn't say what they think. If you won't share, nor shall I.

Yes :P
In any case, poison is most definitely not useless. Regardless of inflicting or being inflicted, the damage decrease+defense decrease+inability to heal makes it a REAL PAIn in some situations, and can sometimes throw off your judgement in a battle.
For example, you know a full Calibur charge can kill a lumber.
However, you get poisoned. Disregarding this, you plan to charge the lumber, then attack the mender beside it.
As you draw closer, the lumber prepares for an attack. On any other day, your charge would have killed it before it could lay a finger on you.
But today, you are poisoned, your attack doesn't do as much damage, the lumber lives to smash you and you take a severe beating. Owch.
@Guyinshinyarmour Don't you think you're being a bit harsh? This thread isn't purely self-profitable to the OP; as a discussion, it can benefit whoever reads this thread.
Besides, Poken may not have a particular view on this matter and posted for help on forming one.
Or he just thought of some random topic somewhat worthy of discussion and posted it just because, in which your irritation would be valid.

Venom Veiler + T3 Mender's 10 hour AoE effect = best revenge EVAR!

I'd say Stun is more underrated than Poison. Poison you can still walk away from, and run around in circles dodging. Can't do that against stun. However, when was the last time you saw someone with a Stun high or Stun Max UV? The only time I see stun immune people are those who wear Jelly Armor.
Albeit you can say the same about Poison and Shadowsun....

The answer is.... Sleep! Because they is no weapon or enemy that inflict Sleep. (except for vials.)

Well, I wouldn't say it's too underrated but I do see people like "OMG why you use poison, it sucks!?!?" -_- Honestly?
I use my Venom Veiler more than I use any other bomb (It was also my first 5* weapon), I don't do T3 LD so no, I don't use it there, but I find it extremely helpful in PvE ESPECIALLY when I am soloing. Why? Because I ain't the best at the game, I can get myself trapped in between enemies, I can get blooming knocked over yonder by a Lumber etc. etc. And the poison makes it so I can have the chance to live.
Oh and I ALWAYS use it in Arenas, unless it's poisoned themed, the last wave, spawns two healers, the rest of your enemies will chase you down, you get yourself into a pattern running around the outskirts of the room planting you VV, the enemies will run into the bomb, be hurt when it detonates and also will be poisoned, then guess what? The menders will try heal them, this HURTS the enemies which are poisoned meaning that you can get the enemies to kill themselves while you just, run and plant bombs ^^ It's easier solo, but if your in a party with people who know that you will be doing that and you plan a direction to run in, you should have no problem, me and my guild mates do this all the time, makes shock arenas a heck of a lot easier xD
So to you people that complain about my precious VV ***************** ****** *** ** ***** *** ;-;
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

i agree to disagree! poison if a valuable vial if you know how to use it (same like remedy caps). its really about timing. in Vanaduke throne room, you can poison Vana so the slags wont appear (still trying to master this) or poor JK also can get poisoned and finish the round with only one spin BUT as mentioned already, poison isnt the thing you desperately need when one solos. Stun also is another good vial, also good in Vanaduke and RT (witnessed a pro stunning puppy so it would slow down my face-> ?_?)
in my opinion SLEEP is the worst vial, becuase most monsters are immune and if you hit a monster with sleep, it stops but starts to heal up.
this is my insight :D

What's immune to sleep, other than Constructs?
It definitely works on undead and fiends...

Probably only bosses.... I have use it on jellies and wolvers.
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