Thank you OOO for the amazing update
After the update I just had to try out the newly improved Valiance!
At first glance, my asi vh felt like an asi max, they also added a nice exploding animation too!
Then I had to test out the charge, Whaooooo! The new animation blew me completely away. it was so awesome!
But after I ventured into the Clockworks, I noticed the the knockback was greatly reduced! :(
In the patch notes, Nick wrote that the Valiance, with it's other guns of the line, was supposed to get a knockback increase.
However, That is not the case. The Valiance used to have a very unique knockback the pushed monsters back by a square or so.
Now, the knockback of the valiance is sooooo weak, it berely knocks monsters back by half a square!
I hope this is a glitch :(
The valiance's knockback is the same as it's 2star version, this must have been an error in the coding. :l
Could you please, notify if the knockback decrease was intentional or was it simply a bug?
It would be a shame if the knockback of the valiance was decreased so much, If it is a bug however, I hope it gets fixed :)
Yeah, thanks OOO for making Valiance (and other guns) even more awesome but one thing I really loved about Valiance was its knockback. Could you let us know if the REALLY noticeable decrease in knockback was on purpose? I tested it on the shufflebots in the Advanced Training Hall, and I saw almost no knockback at all. :(