If you haven't played them yet, please don't, save yourself the trouble.
I just ran a Rise or Fall, and I have to say, this is one of the most horrible things I have ever seen in my life.
Not only did it the payout get reduced by around 1000 crowns, the arena is boring as hell.
NOT ONLY is the arena more boring than basket weaving, the "beautiful new lighting, areas, etc" LOOKS HORRIBLE.
Seriously, it's like the arena is not even fully built. Everything is hanging off of frames.
Furthermore, you have to fight enemies in between the arena stages, that by the way have absolutely no enemies in the ugly, hollow shell, impossible to bomb or gun in area, those monsters don't even drop anything. NOTHING.
But, even after I thought it was all over, the boxes. They give you 3 boxes to open. Whoo hoo.
Second round, 3 boxes again. What.
Final level, grand finale! 6 boxes. Give me a break. Also, no red boxes to be found anywhere.
This is possibly one of the worst level re-hauls I have ever experienced. I'm am never inclined to do an arena ever again.
Nice try OOO, try shooting another arrow, this one completely missed.
UPDATE: I just ran the other mission arena, Vicious and Viscous, and to my dismay, was exactly the same results as the T2.
Infact, I made LESS crowns running the T3 than the T2. Go figure.
Today just keeps getting worse, and worse.
T3 arena is my favorite part of this game.