Too much spam, scrolling too fast. You broke it, guys.
Trade chat is completely unusable
I'm pretty sure I know the conversation that took place before this update.
Dev 1: So, people are still conducting a lot of trades in zone chat.
Dev 2: Yeah, it's a great new feature, how do we get them to use it?
Dev 1: Exactly, we need some way to make trade chat more appealing.
Dev 3: What if we made Trade chat global within language regions so that you could gain a larger audience?
Dev 2: Sounds like a pretty good incentive...
Dev 1: Interesting. Anyone see any potential problems with this idea?
Intern (from the hallway): Lunch truck just rolled up! Who want's Tacos?
This is why we need an auction house. Trade chat is so 1998.
It's totally unusable, since the only people who will turn on trade chat now are people looking for something specific.
I think I'll take this chance to plug
Crafting isn't banned from /1, right?
Crafting everything, whisper Duodecimus~
FossaFerox: "Lunch truck just rolled up! Who want's Tacos?"
In fairness, who doesn't want tacos?
As a person who was using Trade Chat to buy, it's great. I ask for a thing and get it in about 30 seconds. I'd never sell anything, though.
If there was a chat for "WTB" only, I'd have that on all the time.
An auction house would likely crash the market, as right now I think the only thing supporting prices is the opacity of going prices on items. But hey! Life's an experiment.
...this concept intrigues me, and I'm interested to see its future.
Barring an official auction house, naturally.
The only problem I could see with separate buying and selling channels is that you would have buyers and seller using both channels at the same time. You would need sellers in the WTB channel and buyers in the WTS channel, and if you are looking for or selling a specific item, why would you stick to one channel? You could try to find it in the WTB channel, but wouldn't you have double the chances of finding it if you were also keeping an eye on the WTS channel as well?
Sure, having one unified Trade Chat can be messy when its got all the different language regions clumped together, but splitting it into two different channels just seems overly complex and cumbersome. I think we would do better with an Auction House or instance specific trade chat channels.
I disagree. I get responses way faster now. At least for buy/selling recipes.
a] They are building an auction house. I think that's awesome.
b] I preferred trade chat limited to your instance to this new global trade chat. It's just too much to read as it is now.
c] They could split it up by type of item. Weapons in one, armor in another, recipes in a third, etc.
Splitting does make a little sense initially. But usually if you're doing one you're looking for someone doing the other, so I'd have to agree that the split is unnecessary.
'Im sure there is something being worked on.
We just have to deal with the information blackout that is currently going on however.