I know for a fact that the General Discussion is full of posts that talks about how OOO is bringing us the worst updates ever. well, if it wasnt for them, you guys wouldnt be playing in the first place. also, they are trying their best to make us happy with this game. and Im not saying these new patches are amazing, but I dont think its something to fuss about in the whole entire forum. I saw the EU players complaining, people talking about how the new arenas have less cr outcome, Jk or RJ run, what ever you call them, have less cr outcome. IMO, you guys should just wait and let the pros do what they are doing. People have bad days now and day. plz write if you support the OOO like me. and if you dont have nice thing to say, please lay of this post
I havent given up on OOO yet!
Thu, 05/10/2012 - 13:24

I just want to ask what are the pros doing.