The best patch ever is coming soon!!! Yes!!
All i know is if this gets implementation, Griefing and Trolling will become brutally rampant.
You guys are going to get what you deserve!!
~ hums to himself
And what are shivermisters gonna have to say when they shiverlock their bltizing allies because they were just.... "doing their job"?
@ imperialstriker
i wouldn't give a rat's hairy arsze about that, i'd kill the party before we would even get to vanaduke. only reason i'd ever join the party was just to kill the pick up group at depth 24 as soon as we got on the button & then go back up to haven & repeat this process. they are dead; have used up energy to revive with already 10 energy stacked up on the first depth. i finally snapped, i would be most grateful if friendly fire was added even if it was just for a day.
Lol. Nice try.
This game will implement a way to get 50000 CE in six minutes before they implement friendly fire.
Did you not see them take away every possibility to trap your teammate?
To be fair, friendly fire doesn't entirely seem out of the question; just really counter-productive when you put a lot of things into perspective.
It just seems really farfetched....and won't really do much good. Otherwise, I'm calling BS.
Go Lockdown if you hate your fellow knights so much.
....If you can actually kill them, that is.
He can't, so he dreams of shooting them in the back.
If this was implemented for a day, I would never leave Haven.
lol i wouldn't mind it as a party option. Kinda like a who will make it to the next tier alive. Maybe make it like two v two clockwork race or something...
rommil would become a new T1, T2, T3 boss that randomly appeared to destroy newbs hopes and dreams of getting tokens. It'd be epic.
omg, this willl be so funny. what you do is you go take your worst "nemisis" and be nice. then, ask them for a short run.
you know what to do after that. bam they die, dont rev them.
you probably wanna ignore them after a while or just get used to the cursing.
Extra Info: I wouldnt really do this alot, because you might banned
Friendly fire does exist in this game.
Ahh, glorious days of bumping jellies and kiting lumbers into stupid players in RJP...
once you earn 30 rommil tokens, you can purchase a merchanting secret!!!!!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Tuuuurtles~
Teenage Mutant Ninja Tuuuurtles~
Teenage Mutant Ninja Tuuuurtles!
Heroes in a half shell, turtle power!
"He can't, so he dreams of shooting them in the back."
Manalicious-Knight, founder of the guild <Crusher of Dreams>, reporting for duty!
I hereby crush this dream.
Direct friendly fire will likely never be implemented. I was around back when Flamberge users could not only push others (similar to Rocket Hammers nowadays, if I'm not mistaken), but also set them on fire! This ability has since been removed and, as Rangerwillx stated, it seems that OOO is trying to reduce the number of ways to get on your party's nerves.
Arctifice has a good point though - there are plenty of ways to perform friendly fire indirectly.
It's already bad enough with the environmental fire jars causing friendly fire damage (only way I've seen so far). I always accidentally throw one at a turret that a friendly Knight is by and have to see them take damage and start burning.
Don't forget the joys of blowing up exploding blocks as people walk by! Or using a bomb like the 5* Snarbolax bomb that causes lag and obscures the screen, so that your allies are fighting blind. My guild pvps each other in the clockworks all the time. It's the fastest way to get heat.
There's another way to do friendly 'fire' already... Throw a fire jar at somebody within a 1 square radius of a wall. It will hit the wall and set them on fire.
Die Wolver Scum!
I use Ashtail/Vog mix ....
Wasn't there w weapon with friendly fire before? Combuster or Flamberge, I can't remember.
I remember once when I was AFK and my friend decided he'd push me onto a Danger Room party button with his Flamberge. By the time I came back we were all dead.
For SK community, the closest thing I could ever do to killing you in PUG runs just to make you feel bad & angry is this link right here. Scroll down and READ THIS STORY THOROUGHLY. Kitty-Softpaws will have his revenge with this link. Ranger, don't take that BN challenge we did back of last year seriously, i told you i was new to pvp content. You just took advantage of that match knowing that i was a newb.
This is my revenge, friendly fire will not come, fine i acknowledge this but at least i can strike fear into the players with this link right here.
The day you messed with Kitty-Softpaws was the day this post will make you regret it.
& remember to please read the warning before you read.
I stopped after the second "surprise".. i'm not man enough...
Is it bad that the only thing that really bothered me about that strip was that the last bit should be "surname", not "sir name"? :V
@ kupoo
as expected from translators. They'll never be perfect!!
HA! i wathced it to the END!
now pls excuse me while i turn on all the lights in the house, lock all the doors. lock my room door &all the closests and hide in a corner till sunrise
Silly kitty!
I've read that comic already, several times, only slightly unnerved by the sudden screamer.
It's a work hazard when you live and breathe creepypastas. I've seen worse.
Now excuse me, I have to finish the Holders series.
/lights cigarette
This cigarette is object 147 of 358. Its fire will burn brightest when they all come together.
And they should never come together.
How do ya know?
Edit: Misread, didn't see Friendly Fire. No pls