Or is anybody else experiencing massive lag waves? On FSC alone I lagged out for 10 seconds twice, and on RJP for at least 30 seconds. I have never lagged out before at all. So is it me, or is the servers having some trouble keeping up with the demand?
Is it just me....
Or is there someone with a Cloning Machine around here?
...it might not be just you. It seem that a few of our knights have been captured and replaced by clones. You were lucky, Ironskullkid. You were able to escape the gremlin prison without detection. We could use more knights like you.
~Intel Agent Kora
Kora's right. It's a simple process, really. If I were able to get Feron to send a squad out to the Skylark wreckage, I'm sure I'd be able to set up a cloning device no problem. What are you waiting for, Ironskullkid? Go convince Feron for me. I'm busy researching the exact effects of mineral exposure on Chromalisks' color patterns.
Either someone's really bored or the Devs are trying to tell us something. Maybe it's both? O_o
Yeah I've been experiencing lag-outs now and then.
I either disconnect or it lags for roughly...10 seconds? 20-30 If it's really bad, it has made me take a lot of damage due to it.
I also have been experiencing some major lag-outs lately. Maybe it has to do with the updates that OOO have been making. Also, have any of you recently experienced any blackouts, where you go down a floor and the screen stays black, even though you can still see your minimap, and call up your armor interface?
I was getting some lag spikes yesterday, and when I asked my party they all said they were getting them to, so it might be a server thing.
He's here! ISK GET DOWN!