We are Guild Professional and it is a rather new guild. We are a Laid back guild wih helpful and friendly members. Polarislockdown is the founder of professional and the Guild Masters are Guycecil,Dragby and Iyen. You may or may not have seen us in game but you will when you join us! So, you must be asking yourself, 'HOW on earth do i join Professional?" Well here are the things you must do and the minimum Criteria.
*Must have at least 4 star gear and be able to go on a run (as many players as you like with at least an officer accompanying you) Snarbolax, Roarmulus Twins and Jelly King, without reviving at all.
*You must (be able) log in at least once every 3 days.
*Have a good character(to be acessed my Guild Masters)
What must you do?
To join 'Professional' is simple. All you have to do is,
Mail either Polarislockdown, Guycecil Or me, Dragby, a message saying why you want to join 'Professional'.(Preferably,Mail Dragby as he is most active)
Also in your mail, Please include your tier and what gear you have(Normally use).
Please also tell us how often are you online, and which country you are from(So we can know the timezone).
And thats it! if you followed these steps, you can wait for us to plow through our inbox and consider you application! :D
Click or copy the link below for more details
Guild Wiki Page: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Professional_(Guild)