After post update with the blitz needle damage increase I decided to test how much it really effected the damage. My first test was 268 damage for each hit of the charge attack. I had two gun damage trinkets and low UV verse fiends. Before update it was 194, so I decided the jump was too big (It was the first time i used my blitz needle after I got low UV verse fiends on it). So then I went to punch and got charge time low on my blitz needle; replacing my fiend UV low and then did another Vanaduke run. My damage was 261 this time with the exact same set. I only tested this on Vanadukes's body phases and no mask phases. The only other thing I could think of was that the first damage was in solo and the second test was in a full party. This never had any difference before, so they either changed this or Vanaduke is a fiend. Could anyone please help me confirm this?
What I was trying to get at was, why does damage verse fiend work on Vanaduke but damage verse the undead does not.
his body is fiend but his head Im pretty sure has resistance to everything but normal weapons