i entered a dungeon today after the update, and without looking i now see my alch mk 2 now has the strength of a protogun, the vile striker is bad ass, bombs do nothing and wolverss can kill you ion three hits. i used my gun as my primary not it does nothing and using the vile striker ends me in trouble due to the lagg issues i have and the wolvers move to fast?!?! not liking this
As mentioned in this announcement post we did a major item rebalancing for the release today. This has had an effect overall on items, some may have gotten better some worse, but either way you're likely to need a look at how good your items are now and compare them to the depth you're entering.
When things change this much you'll want to take a step back and look to see how these changes work as if this is how it always used to be, rather than how it worked yesterday. Take some time to work with the changes and then please give us feedback.
This is a preview phase, a lot of things are likely to change based on all of the appreciated feedback we get from you all. This can sometimes be a bit frustrating, but I think it's also exciting to see the game taking shape and being part of helping towards that.
all im getting now after starting from moorcroft are vitapods.....apparantly now theres no such thing as materials???
also all my gear is 4 star, and wolvers still take half my life??? i dont care about my weaps, as long as im protected.....what happened to my bomb? it cant go from 4 star to 2....it cant work that way not after all that effort finding recipes and all that stuff....man u better do something. really i almost cried because i couldnt kill a single monster.
now after getting into a moorcroft dungeon.....u give me a vendor with emberbreak armour which i can get from haven -.-
so i see there is now no actual way to get better armour and weps, if previous dungeons only give 2/1 star stuff....where the average gear equiped at tier 2 is already 3.... i didnt no it was possible to ruin this further but apparantly you succeeded
pondering if i should leave like the rest of my guild
So much overreacting.. It's suppose to be a balancing tweak. If it turned out to be a bad one, then they'll fix it again in a little. Since it is a TEST phase, go down to haven, and see how high you can work yourself up with your armor and weapons. That way devs can see what your current armor is still worth against certain depths?
i did that and beat the **** out of the moorcroft ones. theres no in between, and 4 star armour is worthless at ember with the 2 hit KO no clipping lagg benefiting wolvers.
I just wanna say, if I was trying to be as sarcastic as possible, I don't think I could improve on this quote.
Wolvers probably do a damage type that your armor currently doesn't protect you against. Try evaluating your armor and protecting yourself better against wolvers.
god dammit my armour is normal and is 4 star and wolvers do normal damage!
I'm liking what i've seen so far, particularly the nerf to alchemers.
Looks like my Vile Striker is now actually worth it. It's also the only four star item I have left. :P I'm gonna try it out next run. :)
guess i wont be playing on my laptop for awhile x-x
Okay I've tested my Vile Striker. Damage got better on that one, especially on the combo. Combos seem to have improved damage on all weapons (or regular strikes just got nerfed).
I noticed that the deeper you go, the more SK has turned into a grindfest now. Monsters need endless hits to fall. Especially when you run into a group of them, swords are just not a viable option and guns are excruciatingly slow. To the point where it's really not fun.
The vitapods... the number of drops on those needs to be seriously adjusted. And is it just me or do we also receive less health replenishment now that the old vitapods have been taken out? We're walking around with 20 or so health potential, but are near dead most of the time.
Some monsters, like gremlins, but also spookats on higher levels, are now just not doable anymore. Shields don't work, they break really quickly now. Swords don't work, your combos either miss or get interrupted with really hard strikes. Guns don't work, or are just a very slow grind.
Some things do need to change.
Kaybol, i make your words, mine. You devs are doing great job in Spiral Knights, but with this newest patch, i kinda lost my will to play. I could solo on Tier 2 using Firebreak set, and now i just can't, even you Dev's said this: "2-3 star gear for Tier 2 - Tier 2 is sub-town 1 to sub-town 2 (depth 9-17)"...
I guess every armor piece should have a normal defense, since its protection that you wear against mobs, now Drake set don't have this one, Drake Scale is too hard to find; before the patch it was one of the most wanted items, now its just an item that don't compensates.
Sorry for any gramatical mistake...
I've noticed that the elemental bombs have been reduced to 2* from 4*. That's better in line with their actual effectiveness (and makes the crafting costs less insultingly not-worth-it), but...
Are there any high-level bombs left? The blast bomb and crystal bomb appear the same as before, but those were decidedly also-rans compared to other weapons choices. Rather than creating better bombs, their 4* brethren appear to have just been downgraded, leaving a gap in the third class of weapons.
Also, my swiftstrike buckler still seems to show protection against all damage types. Not sure if this was intentional.
also, they removed the ricochet...the thing that i most used at the game...now, i think i will be able only to do some floors at moorcraft...with a full firebreak, fire alchemer, and a khorovod...slowly grinding my way to buy new equipments, and hoping that i will make it back to the city after the first lift, so i can test the weapon at the same day it comes out...
the balancing was good, improving damage done by swords, reducing dmg from guns..but some adding and removings were really unnecessary, and some was necessary the other way!
I understand you're trying to update the game. I spent a lot of time in Emberlight arcade today, and the farthest me and my friend got was the first crossroads of the dark serpent. Instead of making everything you already have 100x harder, (beside haven which is 1hit kill all still) Maybe you should focus on making more towns that get harder slowly at a time, considering the rate of 3-5* drops in anything other than emberlight is just simply impossible, perhaps you should also increase the drops as the towns continue to go.
Here's my advice, should you want it:
Don't limit this game to (now) 2 maps which are even playable, perhaps make 2 more towns, give each of the towns a * difficulty higher than the earlier.
ALSO without energy, there is 0 point in playing this game, maybe make an area (not in the arcade) outside of the towns that you can kill things at that town's level to get mats/armor, and have the arcade as a challenge to get to the next town (and remove the elevator going back down to harder maps).
Add in the items it takes to make the higher level items, ex: Sealed Sword, Antigua... Because with the new difficulty upgrade, we NEED our newer, better, more powerful items and armor.
Its irresponsible to think that this update is good and should stay, and I think you guys could have done a lot better work, looking at earlier things you put in the game. PLEASE turn this around, and then keep up the good work I know you guys have in you.
(Btw, if this difficulty upgrade was just a scheme for people to buy more energy, you're sadly mistaken. People will quit before they spend the money they don't have on a game thats too difficult to get to the end-game of.)
I really do wonder why so many people take this patch the wrong way.. it's not a "difficulty upgrade" Scribbles, it's an attempt to balance things more properly. Some things were too weak, others too strong. That's changed now in an attempt to put it right. For some stuff it went very much in the right direction, for other stuff it went too far. I'm sure the latter will be changed again, again and again in the future just as many times as needed to get the game well-balanced.
I also don't see why you bring up an idea such as "a scheme for people to buy more energy".. It's a closed beta, I hardly think they already have their mind set on milking this game to make the most profit possible?
So please, instead of ranting about the patch, try playing the game and posting detailed reports on the forums about what is all too easy or too hard? Or in a bug report or what so ever. Doing that will get you to playing a well-balanced and fun SK a whole lot faster :P
where mostly gun users, with the sword being a secondary.
before, my khorovod lvl 4 was causing 100 in the second hit, now it causes almost 200 in the first...and the guns, that a lot of people said that were too overpowered, and i was used to cause 20 in the third ricochet of my alchemer (that was nerfed to 0 ricochet T.T), now causes 20 at its single hit, but have a huge chance of adding a status to the target life...and now the fire status shows how much damage it is causing (almost 60 when i played last time, against a zombie).
I'm not complaining at all with the teaks, and i know that they wanted to balance the game...but with my bad conection, it is almost impossible to melee in small areas, or to melee at all, while now ranged isn't an option also (at small areas the ricochet was my first weapon, followed by the fire status)...well, i would appreciate if the alchemer had at least 1 ricochet, if it will not go too much against the rebalancing of the devs.
It was precisely a difficulty upgrade, they wanted the level of your gear to be directly related to the depth you can reach. That is in all essences a DIFFICULTY UPGRADE, and while it is a DIFFICULTY UPGRADE it was also an attempt to balances things by UPGRADING THE DIFFICULTY. So before you criticize my post, understand that I was simply speaking my mind, like every one else thats pissed off about the update.
And with the last part of your post, I was giving them my advice, not simply ranting. I honestly think that squeezing the game into 3 towns and energy purchases isn't going to be very successful.
At the moment, its a nice filler to kill MAYBE an hour of my day because of the energy restrictions.
((And last time I checked, they still take my money... and probably any one else who wants to create their armor's... energy at that purchase energy page. They... Still... Get... Money... Regardless of status of the game, its a valid and honest opinion that any one can have, even if it upsets your fragile views of the devs.))
Think of this as a new game.
Yes, you're used to soloing runs through emberlight to the core. That was an old game.
Now we've got a new game, that will keep you entertained longer. You've got all new weapons, some of which have the same names as older weapons. You've got new armors, and a few erorrs (sic :-) in the translation. (Example: Jelly shield still requires a brute core, but none of the other jelly armor stuff does).
So stop complaining that you now work in zone 2 instead of zone 3.
Stop complaining that your weapons do zone 2 damage instead of zone 3 damage
Zone three is supposed to be raid content. Giant groups that make it part of the way before being wiped.
The core is supposed to be "No one knows what's there yet -- no one has made it there and returned".
The monsters down there are supposed to be killer. Remember, this is what the gremlins down there fled because they were not safe. (*)
(*): Ok, technically, they fled other gremlins as outcasts. Still ... :-)
t6 899999999999999999999999999999
My cat just helped me edit this post :-)
Energy: Buy It! Crowns! Cheap!
I, for one, welcome these new changes and think they are FANTASTIC.
Going from Haven to Moorcroft is ridiculously easy. Balance that with a more difficult run from Emberlight to the Core.
I think it's better this way. I had little to no motivation to do a run from Haven to Moorcroft (except for the crowns - I wasn't going to pay 1k crowns from Haven to Moorcroft). Also, the depths feel shorter in tier 1 - it feels much less like grinding. I'm happy about that. :3
I do miss my alchemer bouncing off minerals, though... ^^; Do the MKII Alchemer bullets ricochet off the environment? I hope they do! ^^
The MKII bullets do seem to ricochet. Given that the gun itself doesn't seem to have much better stats than the MK I, that does leave in a nice incentive to craft the upgrade.
I can't help but to notice that the MKII got an art nerf, though- it now looks a lot like a MK I. Does this mean that the art has been reserved for an upgraded version of the MK II? Has anyone found new weapon recipes?
I thought they wanted people to return to Haven more often?
Our goal is that players have to head back to Haven regularly. It should be the players' place of residence, in a sense. Subtowns, like Moorcroft and Emberlight, should be more like places that you pass through and restock in. - Cory
They way it is right now, though, they've segregated the game community even further by giving set tiers (and by proxy, subtowns) a purpose.
If you have a co-ordinated group or a guild, there's still no reason to leave Emberlight.
It doesn't make any sense to me, they could have just as easily made the levels spawn monsters based on the star level of your gear so Haven to Moorcroft would be only slightly less difficult than lower tiers, but still offer similar rewards and challenges as an Emberlight to Core run.
The balance patch didn't actually do any of the things they set out to do, it just made players think they needed something that they didn't.
For whatever reason.
Haven centricity was not the focus of Monday's patch. That will come later.
Im guessing that the centricity on Haven will have to do with The East Side!!!!
A market would be cool, just sayin(*hint*hint*)
Kymroi?! But you LEFT!
Whoever you are, stop hacking Kymroi's account!
My friend told me to check because I missed the 2nd update
And Im back.......for now >.>
And you guys deleted my post!
@pauling: "The MKII bullets do seem to ricochet. Given that the gun itself doesn't seem to have much better stats than the MK I, that does leave in a nice incentive to craft the upgrade.
I can't help but to notice that the MKII got an art nerf, though- it now looks a lot like a MK I. Does this mean that the art has been reserved for an upgraded version of the MK II? Has anyone found new weapon recipes?"
Oh thank goodnes!!!, now i have a reason to get those 200 energy and more 2 fuel canisters...
Also, by putting every new weapon at have, probably it centered the people in haven a bit, at least for now. I hope it stays this way for now, and after the real center of haven is bought,.then a better distribuition of equips between cities would be convenient.
I'm liking the game now as it became (and primarly now that all the things i thought where wrong now are fixed, mainle the bouncing bullets). The only think tha bugs me (huh, understood, bug??) is that sometimes a misterious gravitationa pull puls me to a random spot, and render me useless in tha tplace. i can't attack, nor escape, and enemies can cause damage on me (luckilly i was in a haven>manor run). It is really anoying, and i saw it in other games. i heard the term "rubberbanding" a lot in these other games, and i think it is what is happening to me (for those that don't know the term: it's when the game don't fully loads your actions and movement, and is trying to reload them to the system, so it can function at the same time as the actual gameplay. this often makes you see your character walking, them being randomly teleported back from the way he came, particularly in a specific spot, where the redownload began. This, in most mmos, is harmless, most of hte time, as you can set aouto attack, and leave it there...but here, is deadly, even in haven, henyou have 5 puppys, 2 chromaliskc, 3 wolvers, and 1 lumber attacking you, causing each one half heart with each hit.).
There's an MKIII if I'm correct. Can buy them at the Haven guns merchant?
@Cien_Tao ... a misterious gravitational pull ...
Sounds like lag to me. Rubberbanding always happens when my internet connection is slow. It's a way of the server telling your client: no you're not here, you're there.
but this never happened with me before the update. Also, before the update, i was able to load something at the back, and still not rubberband.
Lag isn't necessarily a slow client. It can also be a busy server. The new update was just out, lots of people downloading a new client and poking around in it. I suppose as this game is still in development with only a small group of players, we might not be playing on a full-fledged server (although as my former boss used to say, assumptions are deadly - I'm just waiting for Cory or Nick to slap me around on this one xD).
cant get past two mewkats without dying, gunpuppies take 5 charged shots with my volt alch mk 2!!!! whats the point of making monsters stronger then weakening weapons! your working this out in the opposite direction.
now more deaths=more energy which i dont have!!!