If my Wolver Coat and Cap, and Cutter reach level 2, can i still make it into a dusker coat and cap, Striker?
Alchemy Help
Mon, 04/25/2011 - 18:39
Legacy Username
Mon, 04/25/2011 - 19:05
Legacy Username
Yes, leveling your gear's Heat level will still allow you to upgrade them into their higher-tier forms - in fact, at the 4* and 5* level you are required to have leveled your previous item to lv5 and 10 heat respectively. For example, To alchemize the 4* Wise Owlite Shield you need to have the 3* version, the Horned Owlite Shield, at lv5 heat; to upgrade further to the Grey Owlite Shield (5*), you need to have the Wise shield at lv10 heat.
Same applies to other gear.
Mon, 04/25/2011 - 19:10
Legacy Username
Bah. Leviathan said it better and in fewer words =P And I hit 'preview' and then promptly forgot about posting the reply for several minutes.
In fact, to convert to higher tiers after that, you'll *need* to level gear up to 5 or 10.