If you're looking for a hardcore fancy-smancy guild i suggest you look away...as in right now XD
Revelations is a guild aimed purely at training new or tier 2 players to become what they can become, so if you're a newbie or need any help stick with us kid, we'll go places. ;)
The three guild masters currently are: #1 Doomdozerww
#2 Skylet
#3 Marimoknight
Contact Polaric our tech support manager for questions and guild invitations :D
Rules: 1. Don't get mad at your fellow guild mate, last thing we need is two allies strangling each other.
2. Help each other in every way possible, that is the purpose of you being in this guild if i'm not mistaken. XD
3. Respect the guild masters and each other, a casual hi won't kill anybody.
4. No fanboys / stalkers of any kind that try to leech of people....that's just freaky bro...
5. Have a great time with us, unlike other guilds you are free to leave us when you have reached tier 3 or whatever your goal was! :D
We hope you will achieve what you want and good luck!
See no evil, Speak no evil, Hear no evil.
revelations? u guys totally copied our guild's name . which is revelation
this is a proof