I used fish restaurant name for guildname!GENIUS
We're just a simple Indonesian guild of friends knowing each other for (abit) long time and few in real lifes,if you wanna join,
just PM me or just these following officers your location,informations,and random stuffs you like and blablabla whatever!
-Sillygay (Sillyhappy because GM changed his name lol)
Or,at least,tell some Indonesian friend you know.Tier doesn't matter,really.We're just having with talking and doing runs with each other
We can help your problems (NOT if you didn't say anything!) and stuffs
Just try to be active,being offline for over 1 month will be kicked,don't worry!I'll send another invite when you're back.
SO yeah thats all I'm going to say!
Ikan bakar... enak sekali. Saya adalah orang Indonesia yang lahir di Jakarta :D
I don't play the game anymore though. It was fun while it lasted.