Everytime it's the letter "d" you send me, put up one from today on steam so u can see it.
Everytime it's the letter "d" you send me, put up one from today on steam so u can see it.
1\ I'm terrible at Blast Network I don't know how to play it.
2\ It's the only helm I can afford I'm very poor and not skilled to pass missions to get better gear.
3\ You missed the point of the thread and SS. Why you keep messaging me, lol.
Random Thread is random.
So is Erridunno
Yeah I'm totally terrible as well, at BN. We can schedule a battle with anyone so that you can beat me up.
Heeeeey, I played you a few days ago in a 8 person FFA! Your not bad! 0= I need to find a screenie, once you get 72 points against out 50- :P
1. You failed miserably if you got 5kills 2deaths in a FFA Blast network game and 2. Why are you wearing an ancient plate helm? I mean it is one of the worst 5star helms and looks terrible.