I always have wondered this, what made your decision? I have the Flourish and I only got it because I didnt know that the BTB existed, also because Snarby wasn't in the game yet, lol
Why do some people choose BTB over FF?
BTB looks cooler.
Honestly I don't know.
FF should be way more common seeing as how it is easier to get the right UVs on it than it is on BTB.
I have a BTB myself though. >.>
Its easier to get asi VH on final flourish since you can get it from crafting too, but on BTB you have less chances of getting it on spamcraft since you have to get tokens. Also, rolling on flourishes, you can have as many flourishes by spamcrafting but rolling on snarble barbs, you need to get tokens first, then roll, and then unbind if you get something good.
I have BTB because back before I went full gunner, my Snarble Barb was my trusty sidearm that I felt kind of bad about letting collect dust in my inventory.
Because btb doesn't have a bugged damage range for lockdown, making it a fair weapon.
I mean, Rommil didn't mention this, but their charges are much different. I guess people like the flourish's charge over the Barb's (or vice versa). But I would much rather have the BTB because I think it looks waaaay cooler.
The only difference between FF and BTB is the Charge attack and the Style.
Their range are exactly the same.
People choose FF because the recipes are much easier to get then the BTB recipes are, because the FF recipes are in the HoH.
I got a BTB because I was a newb and I used my tokens to buy a Snarble Barb as my piercing weapon
I love the BTB because of snarbolax in short. I love him :D and so I had the dilemma of choosing between the flourish or thron blade as I had purchased a flourish before I knew about the thorn blade. I settled for thr thorn blade because I like what it looks like, I have the thorn shield too and I guess I like the charge attack too. Idk, maybe flourish seemed a bit too normal for me.
I choose to use the Snarble Barb Line, because of the Charge. I think it is much Safer than the Flourish Lines against Greavers.
They Group Up...
Close in...
Dash Towards you &...
What were 5 Greavers are now Piles of Crowns & Heat on the Ground.
I had a Flamberge just before I collected a Snarble Barb. I preferred the charge attack so I kept it up to 5*.
BTB used to be just as easily obtained, if not slightly easier to obtain, than the FF. You just had to farm Snarby, which is what everyone in t1 was doing anyways.
Now with HoH, the FF recipes are easier to get than the BTB
Please move this thread to the Arsenal forum, where this question of FF vs. BTB has been answered countless times.
Barbarous Thorn Blade looks dark and menacing, which makes it stand out. The reason people choose this over the Flourishes is because of the style, or the charge attack, which is plenty powerful. Why people would choose Flourish over the Thorn Blade is because, as mentioned, it is easier to strike a UV with it. Another reason is the style.
My reason for owning a Final Flourish? Style. It matches so many sets, whilst Barbarous Thorn Blade looks out of place outside of Snarbolax gear (in my opinion). But what do I care, I own all of the rapier-type weapons. :)
screw y'all, Fearless Rigadoon's where its always been at.
I love them so much that I have all four. Use which ever matches my gear at the mo'. Lol
Snarby because he's awesome, plus yousee him everytime you use the charge, which has much better AOE, which i prefer
But then I got FF just BECAUSE I CAN. (ok so it was for looks and i just had the CE :3)
Hosestly idk why. I think its all a matter of when you joined the game. I remember when there were only a handful who actually had the BTB on them, and I felt like I had some bragging rights, now its become the norm.
BTB looks wicked awesome. 'Nuff said. Who cares about the charge.
I checked the damage bars a while back. It seems that BTB swaps a little speed for more damage. So FF is faster, but BTB is a tad more powerful.
As far as I saw on the bars anyway.
That, and FF is easier to get.
FR(Fearless rigadoon), FF, other FF(Furious flamberge), BTB, your choice depends on you. Some people perfer style over strength(Flourish over BTB), others perfer to just engulf enemies in flames(Flamberge), and some rather just leave enemies too stunned to attack(Rigadoon). I perfer a fiery stun combo(FR and Furious Flamberge). Although if it were between BTB and FF, I'd say BTB.
Please note: Everything in the ()s are for the ones who don't understand what I mean or the ones who might read this and not know what FF, FR, the other FF, or BTB means. Or even seen them.
Can't speak for other people, but I went for a BTB purely because it's a boss weapon. I like my trophies.
But I play gunner anyway, so what do I know?
-Charge is multiple hitting spikes and Snarbolax's bite
-Looks cooler for people who like an evil type
-Rather than loooking for a recipe for a flourish, they can simply do Snarbolax a bunch of times to get tokens to get a free weapon.
-It costs 3 recipes to make this, Twisted Snarble Barb, Dark Thorn Blade, and Barbarous Thorn Blade.
-Charge is a thrust followed by slashes
-Looks cooler for people who like a hero type/wear skolver all the time
-it costs 4 recipes to make this, Flourish, Swift, Grand, Final.
In overall, I perfer both, since I have ASIVH on both, so I periodically make them go with sets.
a vh ctr final flourish like no other back in the day.
i could not find one.
i settled for a vh ctr BTB instead.
moral of the story......rommil wanted the wrong UV