I saw this: http://i.imgur.com/WcP3X.jpg
A Tier 3 Trojan. In Tier 2.
Is this normal?
I also saw this: http://i.imgur.com/XqzHa.jpg
Hey! It's those guys from FSC! What are they doing in a Blast Furnace?
Is this normal, either?
I saw this: http://i.imgur.com/WcP3X.jpg
A Tier 3 Trojan. In Tier 2.
Is this normal?
I also saw this: http://i.imgur.com/XqzHa.jpg
Hey! It's those guys from FSC! What are they doing in a Blast Furnace?
Is this normal, either?
"Hey! It's those guys from FSC! What are they doing in a Blast Furnace?"
You need to Stop Playing Firestorm Citadel & actually play some Fire Undead Gates.
The latter stratum in a tier occasionally has monsters of the next tier (i.e. T2 monsters in stratum 2).
I've never done FSC myself, lol.
I have pals who do and recognize the slag walkers from their videos.
I prefer arcade.
FSC has some T1 style Trojans that spawn in the red rover hall as well.
Seems to be normal. The last wave on T2 Wolver levels tend to have a single T3 alpha.
Zombies look the same in all tiers. Fire zombies are not exclusive to FSC.
But to be honest, i dont remember trojans on that specific place. (yes, there's a room with one on some drudgeries, but it has locked gates)
Wait until you do Danger Rooms after terminal with a party of 3 and up!
In RJP, the last room before the boss elevator always spawns a T3 blast cube. It happens in other places too, I think. The slag walkers from FSC are not exclusively there, since the other kinds of slats appear in freeze themed levels and such.