I was playing Lockdown today with pretty bad lag. Before I left for Mother's Day dinner, I decided to do one more game of Lockdown. The bribe is a Magic Bombhead Mask! Everyone goes crazy, and I who had been doing badly, was nervous. The map was a larger one, so it was extra special. Well, the other team started off winning by a good amount (100 or so), and my team almost admitted defeat. However, even I with my bad lag, we all went as a team and took every point. Nobody could get in our way. I tried to sneak around the other way and catch them, away from my team. I got killed. In the end, we won by a lot (can't remember the exact score). Moral of the story? Play as a team and you can go far!
Side note and my main question: How rare is the Magic Bombhead Mask? I never have seen it in use, and I'm making a costume around it now, as you can see with my Bazaar post (trying to trade for Cool Vertical Vents).
How rare is a Magic Bombhead Mask? (and story time)

Congrats, Poke. Look forward to seeing you in it in-game. :)

I have 2 Magics (or as the hipsters call it, Majik[z]), so I don't really know. Depends on how many games you get bribed. Grats on the bombhead, anywho.
EDIT: I have 2, but have seen 4, intentionally lost 2 of those games (tried to lose 3) so others could get some... Teams always end up unbalanced.

The Status effect bombheads (specially the curse) I think are the rare ones ...( Me haz teh Toxic bombhead, cool fuse... LOL)
Maybe magic too...
Someone inspired clone wars in LD(Optimalism) yeah... - Sig=H

i wouldnt be able to tell you how rare each mask is, other than the fact that they are .. well... rare.
i think it may be just a random choice as to which bombhead mask it chooses, i have a checkered, and it fits me better than anything i could ask for ^__^ ive seen magic around some, not too often. but bear in mind, one who owns a magic bombhead may or may not wear it... XD
also if it is just a random number generator that picks which kind of mask it is then, well we all know how random those can be ...
(Think shiny pokemon)

I believe the sullivan bombheads are slightly more common than the other ones

Here's my Magic Bombhead Mask story:
Once upon a time a knight named Zaderules walked into Haven. He felt the urge to kill people, so he signed up for Random Lockdown. As he was waiting for the game, he decided to go to Auction House and mindlessly search through some good looking accessories. The Lockdown game started and someone filled up the bribe. *Poof* a Magic Bombhead Mask appeared! Zaderules thought he definitely needed to win at all costs. He looks at his opponents and teammates. Zaderules notices that his entire team were skolvers and the entire opposite team were a bunch of 4 star people. He decides to spend his time breaking blocks for the entire match of Ramparts. By the end of the match, the score was 900-0 and Zaderules had 0 caps, 0 defends, and 10 damage. The 10 damage came from one fire pot he threw. Along with that a Magic Bombhead Mask appeared in his arsenal.
The End.

I'm fairly sure all bombheads have the same incredibly low chance to appear, but Magic is one of the higher-valued ones (behind maybe Frosty, Lovely, Curse, Shocking and Checkered) so good on you!

I managed to grab a cursed bombhead. Love it, love it, love it
I dunno, but I have one from a LD match. If you play lockdown regularly, you should eventually come across it I would think