So I was getting /tell'd from a friend to help him doing vana (it was a full group after i joined) because they wiped at depth 24 (lol).
I joined him and saw the one lying at shadow fire, the other one in fire and at last my friend surrounded by slags. While revving them about 5 times each and killing everything we went on. I inspected them "just so" to find out what items they have. I couldn't believe it: Everyone armed with a Trollaris (Polaris as LD-name)!
I told them that "real good players" don't use a "Trollaris" and they always said "You can't do the Gun Puppy room without a Polaris noob" and "only pr0z use Polaris" while I said that I don't even need GUNS for that room and that Polaris is just a terribad weapon which gets outclassed by volt driver... so we went on...
After they died another uncountable times the leader said "Hey, if you say that u can do it all better alone then why just don't go on yourself?"
I answered that "they just can't do it without me" and that "the gun puppy room can be done without guns" for the 10th time...
Doing so the leader said "Well... then lets start a votekick"
none said something and he says that EVERYONE (including my friend) agreed kicking me... my friend removed me from the friendlist and ignored me too
Then while just about to finish depth 25 while soloing every room to get max crowns I just saw the most hilarious thing: EVERYONE of the group just /tell me about them needing help...
I said that I have no CE and I will NEVER EVER help them again... /ignores all
Why are those 5* guys with better equip than me so idiotic? i mean REALLY? saying polaris is the best weapon ingame and then dieing over 9000 times just to QQ at last telling me they just failed ONCE AGAIN?
I'm almost about to quit... seeing how SK community got like this... its just awful
Most of the SK communtiy isn't like this. You just found a few a-holes. Any and every gaming communtity has a few of these.
Inb4 welcome to the internet.