If you could change your IGN on spiral knights to ANYTHING that fits the username guidelines what would it be?
if you could change your username in SK

I'd make an alt named Duke because I'm confidant that guy quit for good and I want the name.

I would have used that name if I had looked at SK earlier.

Byakuran. But I'm cool with Byas, plus is easier to remember.

Guardian has been my name for just about every game I've played.
It turned out to be taken. To this day I've never seen a player with the name Guardian.
Although I must say, Guardianknight has grown on me and I think it fits for this game.
Dart. But that name is taken. It's always taken. This current name is what I use for subcharacters in many games, but my account is always Dart. It's just a name I've used for ages.
Oh well, least I can be Dart in the test server. :v

I don't think it's taken, but it used to be my favorite Yugioh monster. It looked cool and I would revolve tactics around it (until I made my Cyber Dragon deck which I have used for about 4 years). http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/2/23/FeralImpSDY-EN-C.jpg

Gigglebytes. I made it up. I use it everywhere with only slight variations (igigglebytes the gigglebytes) but for games where most people have relish names I am always ______ Castaway most often Sarah or Tia.
In fact, my alt is Miss-Castaway

I would not ever ever change my username.
The "bma" in my name is not just a group of random letters.
Figure out what it means on ur own. And Artist is just a name that has grown on me. But i typed in Artistbma right away rather than artist. Artistbma is my username for every online (MMOG for those who dont know) game that i play.
If I were to change my name, I would change it to Lerion. Now I know this is a very weird, stupid name but I made it for some RPG...i think it was Dragon Age: Origins and it just grew on me.

Dang, somebody already took it but I've never seen him yet in-game. >.<

Yes I already have a knight with it, so no stealing :P

I am content.
However if I could have any name, I'd pick Shadowday because I've used that (usually with some numbers at the end) as an online alias for years.

i am going to cyber-squat all of your names on diablo III.
Two names i am quite fond of are: glitch and craven. both were taken :( never seen either of them. But that being said, at this point, i'm rommil and it'd be wrong to be named anything else.

This was my first choice.
I would love to see some sort of initiative that wiped place-holder character names off of accounts. I used to hoard a few, but I let them go.

I'd go by Cano- nahh. I'd go by Tennis, too. XD

I hate that my main account, Anakletos, starts with A. The social tab is organized alphabetically. So if someone happens to want to pop into an FSC run, uninvited and unwanted, who is the first name on the list? If someone happens to be dead on the floor and needs to beg to someone for help, who is the first name on the list? If someone wants to drag someone else out of their lockdown match to help with a random run, who is the first name on the list?

Oh god, that is so true.
Suddenly I want to change my name to Xzeihoranth.

I'd call myself Nicoya-Kitty.
Jks, always and forever Psychodestroyer. I've used it or Psycho-D as my username for everything since SK, even that online learning thingy for Chem.
EDIT: Also, I wouldn't want to tarnish the name of a bygone legend.

I wouldn't change my name at all. It has a special meaning none will ever know about.
You can guess it though and the winner gets NOTHING! That's more than ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! So donate now to the epic confetti quest!..... too bad confettiquest is over and i only collected 26/999 fetti...

Ugh if people could just read my name correctly and not judge first they think it says Angelfire then I correct them (nicely) then they think I spelled it wrong wich I didnt. If ppl read my name I wouldnt want to change my name but i like my name and cant come up with anything so I keep it

I don't think the user is still playing and now I'm forced have Dennixw as my name which sucks because some people think xw is a smiley and they call me Denni all the time...

Fancy name, Asukalan! Joking aside...
It's debatable. It isn't too relevant to the game but still is.

What on earth you are talking about? I was just posting my dream name i would like to have.

Magnus. Or Vulcan. Or Biozim98
But Atrumvindex is a special name....
This name isn't my original name lool, mine was kind off offensive so SOMEONE changed it to Appropriatename.... I really like this name Lawl.. To the one that changed it, i thank you very much.
If i wanted to change it i would change it to KingOfTheKUPO

WeeGeeFTWs <-- I would love to have this -.- Unfortunately you can't have more than one capital letter without the '-' ;-;
Either that or go back to 'Weegeeftws' since I deleted my knight with that name ages ago and didn't make my new knight with the same name -.-
Not that I dislike my in game name at the moment ^^
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee

I'd change my name to Oat-Monster because I didn't know I could use dashes when I first started :(

I'd use my real name but it's just about the most common name in western Europe so I'll never get it, ever.
I have an alt called Flagrante I'd use as a main if I could be bothered to switch over.