Energy to enter party lobby

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Legacy Username

Energy to enter party lobby

Last night I entered a gate and joined a party in progress. It turns out that it was one player waiting in the party lobby. That person fell asleep soon after I entered and was peacefully emitting Z's for several minutes. It was my last 10 mist energy so I just decided to wait for them to timeout and hope I would be able to enter the level. I think it would be better if it didn't cost anything to enter the party lobby but instead cost 10 to go from the party lobby to the first level. Then I would have been able to pop out and then create my own party and try again.

In the end it was well worth the wait. She woke up, we explored the level, and I learned a lot about the workings of the game. You know who you are -- thank you. I had a great time.

Poseidon's picture
Game Master
I think one of the reasons

I think one of the reasons why you prepay for the first level when entering the lobby, is to prevent players from simply going to hang out for free in a lobby to chat thus trapping anyone trying to play.

The problem you see with someone falling asleep would be the same no matter which level it was on, but of course less exciting on the lobby.

I suspect we'll have some change to how we handle sleepy party leaders. Perhaps we could pass the leader status to the next member when the leader falls asleep, so the new leader can choose to send that sleeper to bed so the party can continue.

Legacy Username
i agree

i completely agree.. it seems a little pointless having to pay in the lobby before you actually start the level.. what if you decide you want to join a friend in their party instead? it's too late you already paid for a level you're not in yet :(

Edit: i just went to play a level and realised i forgot to change it to a solo.. it cost me 10 energy for nothing!!

Shoebox's picture
I liked the old party

I liked the old party interface better, where you could lock a party before you entered the lobby.

Playing with random people gets a little annoying sometimes.

Legacy Username
I accidently a terminal

Can it be clearer when you're about to join friends' games VS starting your own solo game?

I mean, when I want to do a game by myself, I just go up to the gate and press the button on the first tab, but sometimes that actually takes me into a friend's game!

What happened just a minute ago was I wanted some jelly farming funtimes, so I went up to the gate and entered. Next thing I found myself in terminal where a friend had finished jellyfarming and had *JUST* gone up the elevator, so a few seconds later I was dragged back to the surface. I paid 10 energy just to be inside a terminal for like 3 seconds!! Not what I wanted D:

So, maybe at least prevent players from joining a terminal where it only goes back up?

(Edit: Maybe I should've started a new thread for this suggestion.. :x)

Coriolis's picture
Game Master
When starting a level the

When starting a level the default is join a party. If you click the tab at top to create party you will start out solo.

If you want to stay solo unckeck the 2, 3, and 4 in party size.

If you don't want random people check the box named friends only and only your friends can join you (unless you explicitely invite them).

You can usually tell if you'll join a friends game because looking at the map screen. If you scroll between your current town and the next town and see any icons on any of the stages, that is the party you will join if you use the join (default) tab. If I notice someone is at the end of a run on the map screen, I'll hit create party instead.

You will not auto-join parties that are adventuring above your town level or below the next town level. So if you are in moorcraft you won't autojoin parties started in haven or ember.

That is the party system as I understand it. So it sounds like those features are there, just could be more obvious.

Legacy Username
Huh, I didn't even notice the

Huh, I didn't even notice the options on the join/create party screens until i read your post. Why is that hidden in what doesn't even look like an expandable menu? They're not using that space for anything else anyway!

Legacy Username
Energy Balance

Try to understand that the guys (and gals) at OOO are trying their best to reach a perfect harmony with the energy system, thats partially why they had this preview.

The Equation is simple:
If the game relies on energy to much, Players will quit.
If the game dosn't rely on energy enough, OOO wont make any money.

Finding a perfect spot between the two is very difficult, so give the team some time.

Sadiekate's picture
What if players could hop

What if players could hop sideways through lobbies to find different parties instead of being required to stick with the one you randomly got?

For example, if you're building a party of 4 and you find everyone brought swords, two people might want to branch off and wait for someone to come in with a handgun to balance things out. Or, if you land in a lobby and someone's sleeping, you can go to the next lobby over. Or if you need to step away, you can idle without blocking other player's progress and without jumping out to town and having to re-spend the energy.

Legacy Username
Unchecking Party Size (!)

Thanks for that tip; I enjoy exploring the game solo (due to how hectic RL gets, sometimes I have to log out fast), and would hate to burden someone else with my abbreviated stays. I was finding it troublesome to pop into what I thought would be a new zone to explore only to find myself in the middle of things and surrounded by angry jellies or whatnot.

My only hope (perhaps a wish, if I may) is to be able to leave in a zone, and come back to finish it later on, instead of having to abandon my efforts completely and find myself back at the beginning (in Haven) again. Maybe this ought to be moved to (a new) suggestion, but having some sort of an object that can be created that's a 'tether' (or even just an energy cost) that will allow you to stay where you are inside the Clockworks might be something to explore- especially for the pitiful few of us who have about an hour to an hour and a half to play at a time.

I really am enjoying the game, and thank whomever invited me!


Legacy Username

I think the gate joining interface should be reworked a little, displaying and letting you choose from the parties that are currently in the dungeon.
Telling you size of a party, current depth, and weapons types. Maybe even the progress of the level, so you don't join just before they take an elevator.

I'm tired of soloing :(

King-Tinkinzar's picture
There should just be a leave

There should just be a leave party button which should keep you at the same progress you already are, but your party disappears

Cake's picture
I've run into a situation

I've run into a situation where I joined a party that clearly was waiting for someone in particular. When I arrived they kindly asked me to leave, which I can understand completely. Unfortunately, this cost me 10 energy. This would also be the case if a party just randomly booted you for any reason. Perhaps if you're removed from the party, you are returned the energy you spent to enter?

Legacy Username
I'd love to see an option

I'd love to see an option where you can join a group in progress OR join a group for a fresh run. As it is, I never know if I'm going to end up 2 floors or 6 floors deep when I random-join.

Shoebox's picture
There are, when you click the

There are, when you click the little arrow just above the button, you can choose to join a group in the lobby or a group that's in progress.

Legacy Username
'Grouping preferences' Menu

Considering the last few comments, I guess the suggestion might be to make it more visible, so that the stalwart adventurer knows the options they have! :)

Legacy Username
Echoing everyone else, just

Echoing everyone else, just today managed to find that party tab everyone is talking about. Labeling it as "ADVANCED PARTY OPTIONS" or "PARTY OPTIONS" would be ideal. It is not obvious.