Might make it easier if we all post our thoughts in one thread.
I'll start with mine from the few minutes I played before bed (its 4am O.O).
Well with the armor I have (2/3 stars after update) emberlight and below is pretty difficult/impossible which from reading Nick's post I understand is the intention and I'm okay with that until I find some better armor.
Moorcraft Manor and below seems overly easy. I kill most things with 1 hit using my level 10 spur, even those super symbiosed lichens. The only difficult thing is those crazy rainbow chromalisks. It takes me almost nine hits to make them go pop, I'm not sure if this is related to how it took me an obscene number in the gates below emberlight as well, maybe whatever was tweaked made them super powered?
Tomorrow (or the day after if homework doesn't eat me) I'll try to do an entire run from haven to the core (if the serpent gate doesn't disappear, if it does I'll do as much as I can) and try to compare the damage my sword does to each type of monster and each setting as well as the general difficulty my party faced.
Those gray worfs are freaking tuff, im using Firebreak set now and some hits costs me 5 bars oO