So, what actually is Energy? Is it like the core essential to survive the game? Do we really need energy to really like the game? I'm new I'm just wondering, if energy would imbalance the game, what I mean is, if other players donated for energy.. how bout those who dont donate for them, will they feel very low class?
Starting from the very basics:
You pay energy to explore levels and craft goods (crafting also uses materials and requires recipes).
You get 100 mist energy a day, and once you top out at 100, the tank is full. If you want to use more than that in one day, or even in one go (for big crafting, say), you need "Crystal" energy. This stuff doesn't self-generate - you buy it. You can use real money to do that, or buy it off other people with crowns (game money) in the market.
Because energy is used for elevators, running solely on mist limits your playtime each day. If you're good, you can earn enough crowns on your venturing into the clockworks to buy some crystal, and keep going; some people get effectively infinite play in this way, and take a profit big enough to keep improving their gear.
If you can't pull off that trick, and don't spend real money.... You advance through the game more slowly. Low class? I dunno; the influx of new players is quite good, so it's not like you'll be uniquely low-end. You might well feel like you're falling behind other who started around the same date as you, though. Depends if you're cool with being a casual player - plenty of people are; others, not so much.
As for "donations" of energy... Well, that's a relative rarity. Many, many of the players here were attracted by the "Free Game" note, and are conserving and scraping as hard as they can, because that keeps the game free for them. So, there's not a lot of energy charity going around, but there is a lot of wheeling and dealing.