Been good and met some great peeps but time to move on,the game as been cool but the last few updates have been disapointing.
bye for now
farewell for now

Lol attention seekers make these kinds of threads and it kinda annoys me. Bye

No, not Crow D:
Cya when the next good update comes in.

I never met you, but I think my brother talked to me about you sometimes. Apparently you gave him useful game advice from time to time, so thanks for that, I suppose. Anyway, goodbye.

he was a great dude, i'll miss running with you and your son :)
Hopefully something fun comes up, and you'll be tempted to come back. IF it never happens, know that i truly enjoyed doing business with you, and enjoyed even more being friends and doing runs with you. You were always good to play and talk with. Me and pawn will surely miss you :(
~p.s. It makes sense for a well-established knight to make this thread, rather than hang around in haven 24/7 for 5 days in order to say goodbye to all his friends (or to send out 2-300 messages saying goodbye to his friend's list, and a few hundred more for all those acquaintances not on his list/guild)
I find it less attention seeking, and more saying goodbye to his friends. Then people who weren't his friends (and weren't intended per say to click the thread) come in and complain. --not necessarily directed @ you erridunno, just generally at the complaints vs goodbye threads.
Lord knows i've met enough people in game that i could never hope to say goodbye to them all when i finally hang it up (which i'm not doing anytime soon, i don't imagine). But some day, when i finally do, i'll log in, wave goodbye in trade-chat, then post on here, monitor it for a few days to talk to friends, then move on. But for many players, the thought of saying goodbye to everyone individually, its just not feasible, especially if your goal is to stop logging into SK.
ty all and ty rommil buddy i was very close friends in game with u and my very good in game friend pawn it was a pleasure doing business with u guys and was great to meet use two , u helped me out alot esp pawn :) this was just a genuine post to say see u guys all soon i will bob on time to time and see whats going on and when it picks up ill be back on :)it was not an attention seeking thread but as rommil said its an easy way to say goodbye :)

Seeing how I myself don't play much I wish you a good bye Crowwkd. It was some good times together, JK and a couple of SL runs. Hopefully i'm still playing when you return. Not to mention your luck at punch was amazing.

I've seen you around, in Lockdown and merchanting in Haven and the Trade Chat. Although I never really got to know you that well, I'm still sad to see a veteran player go away due to a lack of appeal... Well, bene felix in whatever you may attempt next.

see ya, i think ive done a few runs with you. Good knight.
Can i have your stuff?

He said for now.. Why would he give his stuff if he plans to come back? He wouldn't like to come back in wolver with a calibur D:

Rangerwillx(formerly Rangerwill, now Trying uses it) and Atgatg left. Now they returned. Ranger's now either a swordie or gunner and Atgatg, I don'y really care about him/her.
IMF getting more crowns is disappointing? o_O Good luck anyway!