Bionicles. New with Daily Quizes, chats, Wiki, and game links! WORKING ON FANFIC! Help?
Okay, here are some more questions:
1. During the days of Metru Nui, what was the distinct difference between Onu-Metru and Ko-Metru? (There's a specific quote I can recall that I remember Turaga Lhikan saying in BIONICLE Adventures #4: Legends of Metru Nui. I'm hoping that someone will find it!)
2. What is the position of the Chronicler, and which Matoran have held that position?
1. Onu-Metru were all about perserving the past(the Archives), the Ko-metru were about the Future(They were astrologers).
2. The matoran who does this is supporsed to travel around their land, recording certain events.
I've been trying to think of more questions (obviously, since I know that my failing can be quite obvious sometimes), and somehow I always seem to fall onto the same ideas:
1. Elaborate on....blah blah blah
2. Interpret this quote...
I could do those types of questions, I'm just more reluctant. :)
Where did everyone else go?!
The Makuta are a species created by the Great Beings to help keep peace in the Matoran universe. They eventually evolved from solid flesh and bone to a gasous form called antidermis. All Makuta are now dead in the Matorna universe except Miserix and The Melding Universe Teridax.
No one's posted here for 3 days. ._. MUST REV.
What species of Rahi deciminated the Toa forces in the tower that guarded the Makoki Stone? Who was the sole survivor?
Explain how Voya & Mahri Nui came to be.
I have just been getting tired of relying on things other than my BIONICLE novels and mind to answer these questions!!! I'm too knowledgeable about all the nice ol' comfortable information...
Maybe you should get Shadownox to reply, if he's as much of a fan as you are! Or is BIONICLE one of those, "I'm your sibling, so THIS IS MY REALM!!!!" kind of interests? ^_^
Shadow only likes Bionicle because the sets have cool shooting weapons. I love Bionicle cause of the storyline, character, sets, cool stuff, etc.
That makes much more sense. But, at least we could get some questions then! :/
Welcome to Tohru's Corner.
This is my weekly discussion topic, they're posted on the OP. Discuss.
I like this very much - this might be able to do a bit more than just questions, so that we can actually discuss certain things in Bionicle! :)
I'll start us off: My dream game for Bionicle is something I've thought of for a while. Although I think that the games for Bionicle that have already been made are excellent (Maze of Shadows has been my favorite so far, but I liked the battle aspects of Bionicle: Heroes as well), the one thing I've always really wanted was a Character Creator. But not a shabby one - in manys ways, I'd want it to be similar to the Lego Brickmaster program, but with the Bionicle pieces. The only problem that I'd see with it is that it'd be extremely complex...maybe if there was something where you have different character Tiers (Matoran, Toa, Turaga, Titan), and each has a generic skin that can be modified (Mask, Armor, Height - to a certain point - and Weight, Muscle mass).
After character creation, I think something that'd be even more intriguing to have would be a basic mission in which the character is able to "discover" which element they have...this one would need a bit more figuring out, though, since you'd still want to be able choose directly your element - maybe something similar to the one in the Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon games, where your personality dictates your element? (which I am also a fan of...it comes with the adolescentry)
Once the character had determined their element, there would be individual story lines for each of the different Tiers - they'd still intertwine, but they'd be unique based on the perspective/position of the character. Different elements would have impact on the story, but I realize that this seems a bit much...overly complex, to say the least. :P
Still, if there would be a game that had that, as well as a normal adventure mode of sorts, I would love it. XD
I recently got Kh 385/2 days.
I was thinking...
Dark Hunters as the Org XIII esque game....
Basically, you play as a Toa of darkness who was drained of his element and replaced with darkness via some expenriment with the makuta. He defected, and joined the dark Hunters. The game goes through the histroy of them, from Pre Toa-Dark Hunter way to the end of the Destiny War.
The Story and game play are divided into "Hits" where you complete this mission to continue with the story. There are side hits, which do nothing to the story and sometimes multiple hits that which choice you pick affects you story. There are 6 endings, True ending (Destiny war proper end), Dead endings(They vary on different missions you pick, and allow you to restart choices, unless at certain points), Win(Destiny war win, dark hunters still together), and 3 others.
Gameplay is a fusion between Kh, Bionicle 2003 and my own creation. There is a command area(you don't do it like KH, but you use the l/r dpad buttons to flip to those sections), where you pick attacks, Power(mask, elemental, weapon), Switch masks. Attack is your combos which you can switch finishers and abilities. Weapons also change these combos(lie gun rang combos), .Power is like elemental attacks (obviously all shadow, with variants like fireshadow due to his experiments) which are like BBS/RE: coded/3d's command decks, items have all those potions, buffers and stuff. You can set up to five masts in the set (like Hau, Vahi, Huna, Crast and ruru) and can switch them with the Shoulder buttons. There are times where missions require thesemasks and give you vague, but noticeable hints on how to prepare yourself (like huna with stealth missions).
You can set you weapons and gear and such with the bionics section. As you upgrade, you gain new abilities, which can branch out depending on choice or story. They can also link branches to create new moves (like fire and shadow based attacks). Your weapons when used to be upgrade, can also gain new types of weapon ablilites via branching or link branches with the player’s natural branches to upgrade further(like you have a sword, now link it with a dmg boost from you, you then gain a dmg boost for that weapon). Linking you have to pay with widgets. Branching comes with natural upgrades. Branching can also change by using status mods, which creates conditions for new branching.
Widgets are currency which you get for hits. You can buy new weapons, Mods, items, or gear.
You can travel to different places in the Matoran universe to start hits. There are the Odina(main base for the most part) and Xia(newest main base for remainder of game). You can converse with others to gain trust, lv up and gain new party members. Certain hits you’re stuck with those members. Other you pick, so it’s best to try and trust everyone. Some members become unplayable(like nidikki). You can also link member’s branches for new team abilities(like hwo a Skidaki can link with another skidaki for elemental power, you can do the same if you link eith any one of those races, or you inherit moves like Poison’s venom attacks, or Nidikki’s wind attacks(All of Nidikki and all other now unplayable characters will like as you progress).
Hmm? You called?
Yeah, srry bout the inactivity. Busy rewriting CHP 1 for the Core Wars. :P
That's exactly what I was thinking. Thank you, Tohru!
Although, I suppose we could have our own discussion about these game ideas...hehe...we'll see once LoN replies. Either way, should we start with positives, or with constructive negatives?
Pros: A interesting choice of ideas of character development.
Character creation is more interesting.
Cons: Gameplay?
I definitely can see what you mean. I focused primarily on the character creation/development because that is usually what I enjoy most about a LEGO game. Also, I've always wanted to have the ability to create my very own OC in an actual Bionicle game...even if it wasn't in a game oriented around my OC. Also, since I happen to be a Star Wars fan - who has fallen into admiration of Star Wars: The Old Republic - I tried to base my ideal character creator on a similar engine.
Okay, now for yours:
Pros: Gameplay has a very specific field of detail and intrigue.
A tier tree to develop abilities and characteristics of the protagonist.
Cons: Inheritance of party members' traits - seems to make the party members obsolete, if not less impactful.
Trust =/= Dark Hunters. Unless there is an aspect of the character's story that makes that relevant, I've never pictured Dark Hunters being a trustworthy folk (except for maybe Lariska).
Overall, your elaboration definitely made it difficult to find faults - you noted that my biggest issue was that I lacked in elaboration in those two areas. I liked the way that your ideal game worked out, even though I'm a bit lack-of-knowledge in terms of that time period in the Bionicle Universe.
If nothing else, it is a new week...maybe we could start a new topic, but we can elaborate on this previous one another time? Just so that we can maybe get some type of conversation going?
It seems that everything that I've been waiting for in terms of replies to forum threads I enjoy has not yet arrived...especially in the Treasure Vault. Maybe that can be our next topic, although un-Bionicle related: Why it seems that many people have seemed to abandon intriguing threads this past week. :P
A creature of most infernal depths of Cradle, a knight who's eyes match the face of the gremlin armour he made.
A once normal knight, who now holds the most poweful ability in the history of forums.
...... The Ability to create repetetive forum games
He turned the GC into this state ruling with an Iron Fist of questions and challenges. Most Non-games are sucked down the drain of chaos and immaturity, these once hallowed forum of NON-SK topics on real life situations are now garbage of games and boringness.
If anyone dares challege him, they will be obliterated with a single flick of his fingers.
His power has no limits. He has unbounded strenght. With a swipe of his hands, he could drown your threads in his topics, and his mindset has grown.
He has his legion, his Golden Army, who follow his reign of overused, renamed forum games.
I have said too much, run with this info young ones who listened! Spread the word! Make sure you don't get caught!
Was that some sort of spam-hack? XD
Hmm...should I devise the next topic if we can't develop more on this one?
I was hoping that despite my "forum maintenence", this would have continued.
Tohru, should we move on to next topic? It doesn't seem that LoN wishes to express his answer for this one. >.>
Maybe "Mr. Bump" will contribute(seriously, discuss!).
I'll restate the question this time:
"The two exiles, Malum and Strakk - is there a chance they would be able to team up/be acquaintences/friends?"
Hmm...well, based on my knowledge of the two exiled Glatorian, they most likely would NOT join up as acquaintences/friends for two primary reasons - they both have extremely aggressive/dirty tactics, as well as the fact that while Malum has a sense of loyalty, Strakk's loyalty is solely purchased.
1. When someone has a similar personality to another, they often have a tendency to both relate and clash. Malum and Strakk both seem to have natures that tend to create a strong passion for battling, strong ambition, and lack of honor. In this sense, they are easily relatable - they have the capacity to understand why the other does something a certain way, can almost get into the other's mind.
However, when two forces (such as Malum and Strakk) have such ambition, they don't care to assist one another at all, unless it would benefit them individually. Neither of them would work together unless that were to be, and since Malum has no money and Strakk has no usefulness to Malum, that would be a very unlikely scenario.
2. As has been expressed in the novels and in BZPower data, Malum and Strakk both have different senses of loyalty - while Strakk's loyalty is completely up for purchase and goes to the highest buyer, Malum has a strong loyalty to those that he feels obligated to protect (ex. His Vorox tribe). Loyalty can have a strong impact on how people work together, and neither Strakk nor Malum would trust one another, making it difficult for them to work together.
But, overall, they could work together, I suppose...but only in the most extreme of circumstances.
Now, onto Tohru or LoN. Take it away! ^_^
I have nothing more to contribute-give to this specific topic (both due to the fact-truth that I already replied, as well as the fact-truth that it is 10 PM over here now-currently. :P). Would someone mind give-adding their think-opinion on the possibility of Malum and Strakk up-joining forces?
BUMPITYBUMPBUMP - with a dash of Le-Koro speak-talk on the side. :) (quite authentic, no? XD)
As well, extreme circumstances, but would go their seperate ways and revert to normal, like most team-ups.
However, they would NEVER be buddies.
The reason for Malum's Exile is because of Strakk's dirty tricks pushing him over the edge. So he would hold a resentment.
They both have a lack mof honour, Strakk more than Malum as Malum has respect and love for his tribe members and some for Ackar.
Strakk's a greedy cheat, Malum's a no holds barred, fighter.
I mean, he's arrogant enough to not listen to his fellow Glatoran during the Core War, and think the fire group would win.
Strakk only cares about money.
Also, upcoming events:
Describe your dream storyline.
What would be your take if The Shattering never happened?
I guess the fact that we also happen to be at different time zones doesn't help much. :/
These next two topics should be fun ones. ^_^ I'll see if I can work on the first today.
Seems also that I didn't have the time to work on this yesterday. :P That is why I am choosing to do so now. ^_^
Okay, "Describe your dream storyline.":
My dream storyline would be this - still at Mata Nui, the Toa Nuva have just finished hearing the stories of Metru Nui from the Turaga. They are more understanding at this point in time, but they are still having doubts about the Turaga. The Toa still have so many questions, but it seems that they can only be answered in time itself.
As usual, Tahu isn't ready to wait that long for the answers he and the Toa seek. He and the Toa disperse, but he decides to head back towards the ruins of Ta-Koro. Once he reaches the old Ta-Matoran stronghold, he discovers a small tunnel underneath his Suva shrine that hadn't been there before the Rahkshi came. He follows it downward and within it discovers a small set of glyphs (written by the Great Beings) that entail the creation of a weaker version Kanohi Kalmak. Tahu, believing this to become a faster and more efficient way to transport the Matoran to Metru Nui, returns to the surface and tells Gali and Kopaka of this new discovery.
At first reluctant, the two Toa eventually concede to Tahu's wishes and begin the collection of materials to create the powerful Kanohi. Once they gather all of the needed pieces, they combine their powers to create an acidic, yet absorbant substance that is able to dissolve their materials into the mask. The mask is then created, and the Toa Nuva test it out together in order to see if they can teleport to Metru Nui.
Instead, the mask teleports them into an alternate dimension - one where Makuta Teridax hadn't yet enacted his plan from within his disguise, one where the Matoran hadn't yet needed to be awakened...meaning that the Toa Metru still existed. The Toa Nuva explore Metru Nui the way that the Turaga had described for them, and they find that in this dimension, the Morbuzahk still had yet to be destroyed...which meant that although the Toa Metru "existed", they weren't yet Toa.
And, according to Gali, they never would become Toa until the stars were aligned the way Vakama had described to them in his stories. Mata Nui, in this dimension, hadn't put into the stars the names of those who were to become the Toa Metru. The Toa Nuva then decide that there are only two solutions to this problem - they either must find a way to put the names into the stars, or the Toa Nuva would sacrifice their own Toa powers to spark this alternate universe into action.
** The premise of this is that towards the middle of this storyline, the Toa Nuva manage to put the names into the sky, thus Makuta and Lhikan are convinced individually of which Matoran are destined to be the Toa Metru. Once the Toa Metru come into being, the Toa Nuva must work together with the Toa Metru to ultimately defeat Makuta before he is able to take over Metru Nui. Through this time, the Toa Nuva become good friends with the Toa Metru. Tahu realizes that despite the fact that the Turaga hid so much from them, they did it simply because they had cared so much for the Toa and the Matoran. They manage to defeat Makuta through their combined efforts, and they thus attract the attention of the Order of Mata Nui - Brutaka comes with them, and recognizes the shape of the Kalmah upon Tahu's face. The Order, after demanding explanation through more violent means, hears the story of the Toa Nuva travel and of what was to come had Makuta Teridax not been defeated. They inform the Toa Nuva about how sometimes the best teamwork comes through trust (something that the Toa Metru had learned and had attempted to teach the Toa Nuva as Turaga). The Order transports them back to the true dimension, and once there the Nuva decide to not tell the Turaga of their escapade. However, their teamwork was strengthened, and the Toa gain a newfound respect for trust in those who (ironically) they had become friends with. The whole thing would end with some small little joke between Vakama and Nokama that Gali and Tahu managed to understand, and thus ending the story with the idea that true friends can go through much, but stay firm together admist many troubles. ^_^
This was something I both have thought about for a while, but I revised it for this. Originally, I always thought it'd be really interesting if the Turaga would be able to return back into their Toa forms. However, Greg Farshtey already established that this was impossible, so I thought that this would be an interesting way for the Toa Nuva to get to meet and understand their Turaga from the "experiences" they had with them as Toa Metru in the alternate dimension.
So...that's my say. :D Hope you guys enjoyed it...hehe...
Dream story line?
Teridax takes over the Matoran universe, kills the Toa and Mata Nui, destroys the Glatorian, and reigns happily ever after.
Seerusly. That was what I had always wished happened.
"I sense a disturbance in the Force..."
You know, LoN...we want you post with purpose and content. The post itself doesn't matter...it's the context.
In other words, please reply with content. When you have the time, of course. ^_^ We appreciate what you have to say...just make sure that you actually have something to say first. >.<
Fire: Tahu is a fiery bighead ;D
Water: Gali is kind, caring, and all-right
Stone: Potahu is the crazy guy who keeps going "Peace!" according to Bard
Ice: Kapaka is cool, and I like that eye of his ^^
Air:Lewa is awesome, like a sort of Tarzan without the stupid yell.XD
Earth: Onua is mysterious, but he's friendly enough. He has a gravelly voice too.
My favourites are Kapaka and Gali.
Bard like Lewa (and maybe Tahu) best.
Those interpretations and opinions are quite refreshing, Snowflake! :)
I'd have to say, something I've noticed by re-reading the Bionicle series over and over again is that the relationships between each of the unique Toa groups have their own unique ties and bonds. Por ejemplo:
The Toa Nuva:
- While trying to remain professional, many of the Toa Nuva at first didn't get along well. At all. They were an extremely diverse group of Toa, with each of them believing themself to be the strongest Toa. This created a strong sense of competition and independence between the Toa until they were forced to face the Bohrok-Kal and retrieve their Toa Symbols - at this point, the Toa had been forced to work together as a team to find the Nuva Masks (even though the Toa had to work together numerous times before, they didn't really get the point that they were supposed to work together until this moment in time). This sense of teamwork carried on to even the last days of Mata Nui, and when Makuta took over they were able to function as a team and help Mata Nui.
The Toa Metru:
- This team started out a bit disgrunted, similar to the Toa Nuva. The primary difference was that the Toa Metru had once been Matoran, and had memories of the area that they needed to rescue. They all served important functions within the daily life of Metru Nui's metrus (hehe), and thus realized that they had to rely on one another more often just for knowledge's sake.
However, the relation between the Toa Metru fractured slightly when Roodaka transformed them into the Toa Hordika. Vakama was overcome by the poison, and helped fight against his friends until Matau reminded him otherwise. Although this team functioned with less teamwork, they felt a strong sense of trust between them. This continued on to when they all became Turaga and had to take care of the Matoran that they were still duty-bound to protect.
The Toa Inika/Mahri:
- This team, in many ways, basically started out as a team. In a search for the Toa Nuva, the Matoran worked together and found the long-lost land of Karzahni. Once there, they escaped using Toa Canisters and managed to reach the island of Voya Nui. The Red Star imbued them with a unique power, and they became the Toa Inika. They learned to function together, and managed to accomplish much more in a relatively short period of time because of it. After defeating the Piraka and finding the Mask of Life (twice), they still stayed together despite the loss of Matoro. They continued to guard Metru Nui until other circumstances changed that.
So, in other words, each eventually reached teamwork. But they all found it in different ways. I just thought that this was an interesting distinction! ^_^ Also, hoping that this may spark a response since it doesn't seem that other people want to...>.> XD
I'm so happy I could cry. I've NEVER met this many BIONICLE fans all at once. """"""""")
BTW we should have a guild for BIONICLE fans.
My favourite Toa group is the Toa Inika, their swords are the most powerful in my opinion and their team spirit is the strongest. Like Kanoka said (BTW did u name yourself after the disks from the old sport?), the Toa Mata/Nuva were REALLY diverse, both in good and bad ways, but the Toa Metru/Hordika didn't look after each other very much in my opinion, although they looked cool as Hordika. The Inika/Mahri grew up together, and that's what made them a good team. (They looked butt-ugly as Mahri.)
I've been keeping track of the whole storyline since I started playing with BIONICLE in 2006.
Oh yeah, and Matoro and Mata Nui died, That was sad :'"""(
It should be a Steam game!!! Who agrees?
Meh, I have both of the Games that on PC without steam.
Just go to your local bookfair or something.
I'm hoping to get some discussion back in here...but the usual two aren't here right now, it seems.
Anyone want to answer this question thoroughly?: "What would be your take if The Shattering never happened?"
An endless war.
Where the planet is dried up, and there is only chaos.
When Spherus Magna was a wasteland. Ravage by centuries of war, life was almost non-existant.
Stragglers fighting for the scraps of the world.
Hm...makes sense, although not quite as elaborate on what I had been hoping to see. ^_^ I really like thorough answers...hehe
Now, since we may have some new people to help us out, want to get another question promoted? Or should we see how this one continues out?
I'll like to see this continued for a couple of days.
Who here has played Hero Factory's Breakout game?
Though I don't like the series, but don't despise it like I used to(But please don't refer to it as a successor to Bionicle, it's all lies), the game is fun(NO frigging Strafting or Lock-on though....).....
The purpose of the Golden Armor was for Toa Tahu to wear it in order to destroy the hordes of Rahkshi plaguing Bara Magna while Mata Nui and Makuta fought in their respective robots against one another.
The main goal behind this was that after the Rahkshi were all destroyed at the same time, the deaths overwhelmed Makuta's conciousness and caused him to be vulnerable. Mata Nui took advantage of this, and used much of his strength to push his old robot form (along with Makuta inside it) into the surface of Aqua Magna during it's return to Bara Magna's surface. This destroyed the key electronics within the brain of the robot, and thus effectively defeating Makuta once and for all.
There may be more to it, but I think that seems right.