Why is the forum constantly going in very long maintenence periods? It's bugging me because I can't write :-(
Please OOO, tell me, what's going on here?
Why is the forum constantly going in very long maintenence periods? It's bugging me because I can't write :-(
Please OOO, tell me, what's going on here?
There may be issues with your cache. Try clearing that.
Why is the forum constantly going in very long maintenence periods? It's bugging me because I can't write :-(
Wait until your mother reaches menopause/wife.
@ below post
Nah that's just the way I type Rommil
derrrppp ;D
Wait until your mother reaches menopause/ Wait until your mother reaches wife
!?!?!?!!? i think you misused your / position in that sentence...badly.
Kitty's mom is CLEARLY a zombie who's been chasing after his wife for many years now! Gawsh.
Because the main site, forums, wiki, and game all share a server. That's why you get logged out of the site with daily maintenance.