So I just got my sister into playing Spiral Knights with me, and we're on the Alchemy for Beginners, we had made both the frost gun and hot edge but are stuck to what to do next, we can't complete the mission I guess without getting them inspected? But I forgot where we do that.. No one in haven seems to know or acknowledge my question so I hope it gets answered here. Thanks in advance!
Alchemy for Beginners Help
Thu, 05/17/2012 - 13:15
Thu, 05/17/2012 - 13:21
1. make sure you didn't equip those
2. go to the mission that asks both weapon
3. check the box exactly below the item list requirement that said something that you agree to surrender those items
(forgot the exact word)
4. click start.
Thu, 05/17/2012 - 13:24
Ok, thank you! She had them
Ok, thank you! She had them equiped! lol
Well, you made the hot edge and the frost next mission is the one where it gets inspected so you just have to click on start mission. The mission where you got the recipes for them is coomplete now. You do the next mission and then you are allowed to keep the two weapons.