so, every time you guys post a patch, it gets copy and pasted three times simultaneously to the general discussion. And then some johnny-come-lately always comes by to do another cut paste job 6 hours later.
soooo, clearly, your announcement Need to be chronicled in the unmolested realms of the announcement thread. But also, just as clearly, it needs to have a companion post in the general forum, where we all rage, weep, applaud, and smile with comments. For the sake of unflattering the discussion boards, please consider posting (by and ADMIN) a companion announcement thread in general discussions thread.
This will alleviate the need for all the various player knights to do cut and paste jobs, vying to be the first, or--facepalm--last to announce your announcement. I think the entire community will agree this should be so, and i defy the admins to disagree XD
no need for a huge discussion, just please leave your +1's to support :)