Today, after waking up at 4 am and clockworking until I possessed 25k. I realized, that I did not want anything else for my character. What should I do? Suddenly, one of my triplet brothers (Who love SK) said that maybe I should do *gasp* a punchroll. I decided to put in my baby, my newly level 10 Final Flourish. This has been my first roll. Ever. I knew I would probably get decrease vs wolver high, or something like that, or jelly low. But when I had a look at the FF.... Asi High. Just HOW rare is this?
What are the CHANCES?
Fri, 05/18/2012 - 19:37
Fri, 05/18/2012 - 21:22
It's actually a great UV to have. Your FF just got infinitely more dangerous to wolvers and devilites. You lucky duck.
Fri, 05/18/2012 - 22:17
whoa, cloud that for real...are you really 1/3 of a triplet set??????? For real???? really???? identical??
me and pawn are identical twins. if you really are 1/3 part of a triplet set, i'd love, JUST LOVE, to talk to you in game about cloning stuff. Plz add me if this is so =O
Sat, 05/19/2012 - 05:11
about 1/64?
See the wiki page "Abilities". It suggests that High or Very High UVs occur roughly 1/8 of the time. Also, there are 8 types of UVs that can occur on a weapon (ASI, CTR, 6 damage bonuses). So the chances may be around 1/64.
Sat, 05/19/2012 - 07:11
to whom are you speaking?
"I thought you've left?"
To whom are you speaking, Atrumvindex?
Edit: Based on next post, the answer is: Venomousbiohazard.
decrease vs wolver high