As of now, the ratio of CE prices vs the crown yield from levels is all whack.
I know i'm not the only one when I say that aquiring CE is more of a chore now than ever, and i feel like im trying to fish acorns out of a swimming pool of peanut butter using chopsticks. Of course, the GM's are the only ones who can actually do anything about this, so I hope they do. But if I may, I'd like to propose some possible solutions.
We could:
Lower the CE cost, and possibly set a cap on it, or just use a flat price. 7.7k crowns for 100 ce is ridiculous y'all.
Players would get more crowns from missions and normal levels. I'm thinking something along the golden age of 13-14k crowns for a vana run.
This is not in Suggestions 'cause methinks it's more of a discussion-and-solution type thing. This would make the game more fun, and more like a game, rather than an ordeal. It would be phenomenal if everyone could buy tons of the CE packages and other assorted goodies, but that's not the case.
Have a beautiful day.
- Punk
Or, you could stop whining and live with it.